Reading and Language Arts Mrs. Rhye’s P1/P2 Class Leader of the Week: Lawson Hudson October 24 - 28 Reading and Language Arts Math P1-decomposing numbers to 10, adding and comparing numbers, strategies for addition, doubles and doubles +1 addition facts, even and odd numbers, and story problems. P2-we will begin learning a strategy for addition called open number line. We will work on adding a multiple of 10 to a 2 digit number. Reading: We will continue to work on strategies to help us become better readers. This week we will begin working on a new comprehension strategy called determining importance. Students will also continue using informational books to look for the text features that we are learning about (title, table of contents, pictures, captions, labels, headings, diagrams, bold words, italics, highlighted words, glossary, index, and maps). Writing: We will continue working on writing about small moments. We are working on adding movement, talking, thinking, and feelings to our writing. Spelling: P1 will be long o words (oa and o consonant e words) P2- words with short and long e (ee and ea words) Important Info What’s Coming Up P.E. is on Mondays and Wednesdays. Be sure to wear tennis shoes on those days Library is on Tuesdays and Thursdays to check out books. Lunch 11:40-12:05 This week is Red Ribbon week. Monday, October 24-Student led conferences and Sweats Day Tuesday, October 25-Favorite Team Gear Day Wednesday, October 26-Student led conferences and All Out Red Day Thursday, October 27-Fall picture retake day and Bring a can of food day Friday, October 28-All Pro Dad’s breakfast and Piggy Bank Contest ends. Also dress Lunch Menu like your future career day Monday-cheese or pepperoni pizza Tuesday-chicken nuggets or chef salad Wednesday-chicken chow mein or cheese filled breadstick Thursday-grilled cheese or hotdog Friday-taco with dorito chips or fish sticks Contact the Teacher Email: Phone: Sorgho School 270-852-7470