Luke Vilelle, Hollins University, Outreach Committee Chair Ask VIVA! August 9, 2017 Luke Vilelle, Hollins University, Outreach Committee Chair Anne Osterman, VIVA
VIVA Users’ Group Meeting The Users’ Group Meeting will take place at the VLA Annual Conference in Norfolk on Thursday, October 12th from 4-6 pm. “Making Do: Innovating Amidst Budget Cuts,” seven lightning talks from librarians around VIVA Vendor “Jeopardy” A VIVA update New VIVA swag!
New VIVA Onboarding Video The Outreach Committee has developed a new 7 ½ minute onboarding video for new librarians and library staff.
New Top Ten List The Outreach Committee has also developed a Top Ten list for ways to get involved with VIVA.
Other Ways of Introducing VIVA? The Outreach Committee welcomes your ideas! How else can we let new librarians know about VIVA? What else is important for them to know?
Featured Member Libraries There have been eleven member libraries featured in a new initiative to highlight VIVA institutions.
VIVA won an award! VIVA was recently awarded the Rethinking Resource Sharing Initiative 2017 Innovation Award for its whole ebook ILL lending program! Thank you to the RFP for Ebook Collections Committee that gained the rights, chaired by Madeline Kelly (GMU), and the Task Force that developed the best practices for whole ebook lending, chaired by Laura Ramos (GMU). Image: Noun Project, Fireworks by Yaroslav Samoilov
Resource Sharing Committee Chair: Diane Smith, George Mason University The committee has been investigating Tipasa and talking with OCLC about the move from ILLiad. 85 libraries have migrated to date, including eight within VIVA. In 2017-2018, small and mid-size libraries are expected to migrate; a summer 2019 migration is estimated for large libraries.
Cooperative Borrowing Program Allows students, faculty, and staff at VIVA institutions to borrow materials on-site at any of the 43 participating institutions. Roanoke College and Randolph-Macon College just joined! A map of the participating institutions is available on the VIVA website.
Steering Committee Chair: Steve Helm, Radford University In 2016, VIVA joined the Open Textbook Network as a System Member. To date, there have been: 37 workshops 358 faculty attendees from 25 Virginia colleges and universities 161 faculty reviews of open textbooks 7 course adoptions for over 150 students The Steering Committee has authorized an additional $20,000 for faculty review support for FY18 through FY21. Each institution will be allocated five faculty reviews.
Collections Committee Chair: Sharon Gasser, James Madison University VIVA is continuing its pilot of Kanopy Streaming Media through December 31st. Titles are available for the four, new ebook plans with whole ebook lending: Brill University Press Scholarship Online Taylor & Francis Wiley
RFP for Multidisciplinary Databases This RFP is underway; the current relevant contract for the EBSCOhost collection expires June 30, 2018. Please remember that you cannot discuss this RFP with any vendors while it is active. Committee members representing VIVA institutions are: Beth Blanton-Kent (UVA, Chair), Georgie Donovan (CWM), Accacia Mullen (VMI), Crystal Newell (PVCC), Shaunna Hunter (Hampden-Sydney). Quiet by Bohdan Burmich from the Noun Project
Resource Cancellations VIVA received a 5% budget cut for both FY17 and FY18. This resulted in the cancellation of a number of shared resources. The cancellation decisions were based on VIVA’s Cancellation Guidelines, the work of the Value Metric Task Force, and standard metrics such as cost per use and levels of use across VIVA. Image: Noun Project, Piggy bank by Ryan Choi
Resource Cancellations FY18 Annual Reviews Literature Online FIAF (Pooled Funds will retain this product) HighWire: Journal of Applied Physiology HighWire: Molecular Biology of the Cell Oxford Reference Online Springer Computer Science Ebooks Taylor & Francis CRC Handbook of Chemistry & Physics HarpWeek Annual Access Fee (exploring the possibility of a cost share to retain) FY19 APA PsycBOOKS
ACS Model Change VIVA is downgrading its shared All Publications subscription to a Science Essentials subscription for ACS Journals. Institutions that want a larger title package (Core Plus or All Pubs) must pay additional funds starting in FY18.