(simple, continuous, passive) The Present Perfect (simple, continuous, passive)
Present perfect simple have / has + Past Participle of the main verb I have finished regular (finish, finished, finished) I have written irregular (write, wrote, written) She has written (3rd person sg) I haven’t finished, have I finished? (past participle in questions and negatives!)
Uses: 1 Unfinished past 2 Experience 3 Present result
1 Unfinished past expresses an action that began in the past and still continues. I’ve been a teacher for 5 years. NOT I am a teacher for five years. I became a teacher 5 years ago. I am still a teacher.
Time expressions with this use: for since a week three days an hour years... A period in time 2001 Sunday 9pm I arrived... A point in time
2 experience expresses an experience that happened at some time in one’s life I’ve met two US Presidents. (in my life) She’s been to Japan. (she still remembers) The action is finished. Exactly when the action happened is not important. (indefinite time)
Have you ever been to Australia? 2 experience Questions and answers about definite times are expressed in the Past Simple. Have you ever been to Australia? When did you go to Egypt?
Time expressions: ever, never, before I’ve never been to Beijing. He hasn’t eaten Mexican food before. Have they ever had an argument?
3 Present result expresses a past action that has a present result. The action is usually in the recent past. I’ve just cut my finger. past action (and it hurts now) present result He’s lost his car keys. (and he’s still looking for them)
Time expressions: yet, already, just, still We haven’t heard any news yet. Has he arrived yet? She’s already sent me an email. I’ve just finished my book. I still haven’t heard anything about him. *yet – used in questions and negatives at the end of the sentence
Present perfect or past simple? Indefinite time I’ve been here before. Unfinished actions We’ve been in Milan for a week. (We are still there.) Definite time I was there in 2002. Completed actions We were in Milan for 4 days. (We aren’t there anymore.)
Make the sentences: 1 She/not/phone/yet 2 They/leave/a week ago 3 I/know/Maria/since 1990 4 We/live here/for three years 5 You/go to Brunei last month?
She hasn’t phoned yet. They left a week ago. I’ve known Maria since 1990. We’ve lived here for three years. Did you go to Brunei last month?
Present Perfect Simple Passive has/have been + Past Participle. It has been damaged. They have been damaged. The uses are the same in the passive as in the active. The lift’s been broken for a month. unfinished past Has he ever been arrested? experience All flights have been cancelled. present result
Make the sentences in the passive: 1 Five people ____________ (arrest) since June. 2 The winners ______________ just (announce). 1 Five people have been arrested since June 2 The winners have just been announced.
Present Perfect Continuous has/have been + Present Participle (ing) It’s been raining. They haven’t been studying. How long have you been living in London?
Uses: 1 Unfinished past 2 Temporary activity 3 Present result
1 Unfinished past I’ve been looking for a job for two months. (I’m still looking) Sometimes there is no difference between the simple and the continuous. I’ve studied English for years. I’ve been studying English for years.
2 Temporary activity I’ve been working in Lima for six months. I’ve worked for Daewoo since I left university. permanent Remember: State verbs are rarely used in the continuous. I’ve always disliked coffee.
3 Present result It’s been raining. (The ground is wet.) Have you been running? (You look out of breath.) I’ve been studying all day. (I’m tired.) The past activity might be finished or it might not.
Present perfect simple or continuous? Completed action I’ve written my English essay. Number or quantity We’ve watched three films. Activity over a period of time I’ve been writing my English essay and I need some help. We’ve been watching videos for hours.
make the sentences: 1 He / eat / two whole pizzas. 2 I’m tired. I / work all day. He’s eaten two whole pizzas. number, completed action I’ve been working all day. duration, activity over a period of time