The Marco Polo Programme Marco Polo Info Day 28 June 2012 Anne Bårseth / Denise Kwantes
Outline 5 Action Types – Summary of key points From proposal to contract Overview of conditions and criteria Eligibility criteria Selection criteria Award criteria
Is Marco Polo the programme for you? In case you have: An idea for a new transport service that would shift freight from the road… Which has a European dimension… Which would be loss making in its first years… But overall should become viable in the long run… Marco Polo can help you!
What is the starting point? Reading carefully the Call text is the most successful first step! Check if your proposal is eligible Choose 1 of the 5 MP action types Checklist for each of the 5 MP action types on the MP website - very useful MP Helpdesk is also there to help by phone and email
The 5 Action Types Modal Shift – MOD Catalyst – CAT Motorway of the Seas – MOS Traffic Avoidance – TAV Common Learning – CLA
Max 20% of Total Eligible Costs The 5 MP Action types - Summary of key points MOD CAT MoS TAV CLA Duration 2 to 3 years 3 to 5 years 1-2 years Threshold (tkm average per year) 60m (13 for IWW, 30 for SWL) 30m 200m 80m (or 4m vkm) min €250k Shift/avoidance subsidy 2€ per 500 tkm - Max % of eligible costs 35% 50% Ancillary Infrastructure Max 20% of Total Eligible Costs
Grant Agreement into force From proposal to contract Deadline Results EACI decision Evaluation (external/ internal) Grant Agreement into force Proposal preparation Contract negotiation June 2012 Sept. 2012 end 2012/beginning 2013 March/April 2013
Overview of conditions and criteria Funding conditions Eligibility criteria Exclusion criteria Ranking Selection criteria Award criteria Proposal is excluded
Eligibility criteria GENERAL: SPECIFIC per action type: E1 Uniqueness E2 Transport services E3 European Dimension – Undertakings E4 European Dimension – Cost E5 Type of Legal Entity E6 Start-up action SPECIFIC per action type: Route (MOD, MOS, CAT, TAV) Duration (all) Threshold (all) Competition (all) Effect on production output or workforce (TAV only)
(+ use of “Category A” ports for MoS) Specific Eligibility Criteria MOD CAT MoS TAV CLA Route*(territory of 2 EU/fully participating country countries or 1 EU/fully participating and 1 close 3rd country) Modal shift/traffic avoidance at least on the territory of 1 EU/fully participating country) (+ use of “Category A” ports for MoS) n/a Duration 2 to 3 yr 3 to 5 yr 1-2 yr Threshold (tkm average per year) 60m (13 for IWW, 30 for SWL) 30m 200m 80m (or 4m vkm) - min €250,000 Competition risk analysis yes * The route should be international AND under the control of the applicant
Selection criteria How to demonstrate financial capacity: send latest unconsolidated financial statements audited for partners receiving >300,000 subsidy all partners should show minimum values for following two ratios: Current assets/current liabilities >0.5 EU grant/Equity<1 How to demonstrate technical capacity: at least a 5-year experience by the applicants in the project area or at least 5-year experience of their directly involved employees evidence provided by company records and CVs
How are the proposals assessed? Award criteria Criteria/Action Type MOD CAT MoS TAV CLA Credibility & Viability 50 40 Environmental & Social Benefits 25 30* 20 Quantity of freight shifted Innovative approach (CAT/MoS/TAV: inc. dissemination plan) 10 European added value 35 Dissemination plan 15 There is also a threshold per criterion! * Including freight shifted off the road
How to determine your subsidy? MOD/CAT/MOS/TAV: Funding will be lowest of: Modal shift @ 2 Euro / 500 tkm (or / 2000 m3km or 25 vkm) Maximum 35% of total eligible costs Deficit CLA: Funding will be lowest of: 50% of total eligible costs
Thank you for your attention!