WP2 – Innovation & Outreach AIDA-2020 – Proof of Concept (PoC) Fund M.Losasso, D.Mazur –2016
PoC Fund – What is it ? Objective: financially support collaborative industry-oriented projects, originating within the general field of detector development and testing and bringing technologies closer to the market. Impact beyond high energy physics. How ? Dedicated budget for the PoC fund of € 200k in total. Allocated to projects on a competitive basis. Open to all AIDA-2020 Collaboration members. Selection process based on objective criteria. Encouraged: joint application or even joint funding with industry partner. M.Losasso June 13-17, 2016
The KT Fund has catalysed the creation of Examples – CERN KT Fund Funded: Prototype of a hand-held radiation survey meter operable in high magnetic fields The KT Fund has catalysed the creation of Off-the-shelf industrial-grade radiation survey meter by company from a member state
The KT Fund has catalysed the creation of Examples – CERN KT Fund Funded: Nanostructuring for improved light extraction from scintillating materials The KT Fund has catalysed the creation of An industry-driven collaboration to achieve breakthrough PET scanning performance for breast cancer diagnosis
Examples – CERN KT Fund Funded: Development of SiPM based detector module to be used in ClearPEM machines The KT Fund has catalysed the creation of Development of novel technique for DoI determination in crystals (Patent) resulting in improved tumor detection in PET scans. Commercialization through industrial partner PETsys Electronics (Portugal)
PoC: Evaluation Method and Call for Proposal The documents “ Methodology for Evaluation of PoC” and “Call for Proposals” have been prepared, discussed by NTT, reviewed and approved by GB. A dedicated web page has been released. The documents and web page provide guidelines, evaluation templates, procedure and timeline to be used for a transparent implementation of the process. The Call for Proposal has been implemented within the web page. An e-group AIDA- 2020-PoC@cern.ch has been set up to deal with requests of clarifications and also for posting and tracing the projects. The Call for Proposal will be advertised as of today via emails and posters, indicating: Method [criteria of eligibility, evaluation and award] timeline for the process follow-up activities M.Losasso June 13-17, 2016
Call for Proposal web page http://aida2020.web.cern.ch/content/poc M.Losasso June 13-17, 2016
Call for Proposal web page M.Losasso June 13-17, 2016
PoC process M.Losasso June 13-17, 2016 In the frame of AIDA-2 project, identify key technologies suitable to be transferred to European Industry Technology Transfer Network, projects participants and industry cooperate in the search of novel industrial applications of the key technologies Set up eligibility criteria for the focused selection of projects, in the identified key technology areas, that can efficiently use the PoC fund Organise a selection committee for the award of PoC funding to specific projects in order to provide the incremental effort that can bring to enlarged application of the technologies investigated Manage the administrative, financial and IPR aspects of the PoC Fund. Follow up on selected projects and communicate their results. M.Losasso June 13-17, 2016
PoC: identification criteria for eligibility Projects in AIDA-2020 eligible for funding will be identified according to: The impact on society potential for application in and outside HEP. Impact refers to the extent to which the expected results influence and drive a specific technology branch and the society at large. The innovation potential broadly means the change that speeds up and improves the way we conceive, develop, produce and access products, industrial processes and services. The transfer to / involvement of industry How industry is integrated into the project, its involvements, interests and degree of cooperation M.Losasso June 13-17, 2016
Example: SIPM SIPM can be used in HEP, astrophysics, medical application M.Losasso June 13-17, 2016
Example: MicroMegas High potential For industrial Application in Nuclear and Biomedical field M.Losasso June 13-17, 2016
Example: MicroMegas 318 institutions involved in this field, and connected M.Losasso June 13-17, 2016
Methodology of evaluation for PoC projects Evaluation Panel, appointed by the GB according to not-conflicting criteria, drafts the evaluation report and makes recommendations to the GB regarding the selection and award of funding for the PoC. EvPa runs a 2–staged process: first stage will select the first 6 scored projects. second stage will award 4 projects for funds. Exclusion criteria and assessment of administrative conformity Selection criteria Quality of the proposal (novelty and progress beyond the state-of-the-art). Novelty refers to innovative aspects of the proposal not covered by similar research activity. Impact (potential for application in and outside HEP). Impact refers to the extent to which the expected results influence and drive a specific technology branch and the society at large. The impact section may be supported by a business plan and market indicators. Expected applications are those commercial and industrial practices realistically within the reach of the project outcomes. Implementation (work plan, schedule, risk assessment). M.Losasso June 13-17, 2016
PoC: Selection criteria /1 Projects not excluded (because compliants to administrative requirements) will be selected for eligibility of PoC fund according to criteria : Tech quality (up to 5 points, minimum is 3) Impact (up to 5 points, minimum is 3) Implementation (up to 5 points, minimum is 3) 0 – Proposal fails to address criterion or cannot be assessed due to missing/ incomplete information. 1 – Poor – Criterion is inadequately addressed, or there are serious inherent weaknesses. 2 – Fair – Proposal broadly addresses the criterion, but there are significant weaknesses. 3 – Good – Proposal addresses the criterion well, but with some shortcomings 4 - Very Good – Proposal addresses the criterion very well, but with few shortcomings. 5 – Excellent – Proposal successfully addresses all relevant aspects of the criterion. M.Losasso June 13-17, 2016
PoC: Selection criteria /2 1. Technical quality (following aspects will be taken into account): Clarity and pertinence of the objectives The extent to which the proposed work is beyond the state-of-the-art, and demonstrates innovation potential (e.g. ground-breaking objectives, novel concepts and approaches, new products or services) 2. Impact (following aspects will be taken into account): The extent to which the outputs of the project would enhance innovation capacity, create new market opportunities, strengthen competitiveness and growth of companies or bring other important benefits for society; Quality of the proposed measures to disseminate and exploit the project results, including management of IPR 3. Implementation (EvPa will assess the operational capacity of applicants to carry out the proposed work and the following aspects will be taken into account): Soundness of the concept, credibility of the proposed methodology in terms of meeting specific market needs. Quality and effectiveness of the work plan, including extent to which the resources assigned to work packages are in line with their objectives and deliverables; budget plan and schedule. M.Losasso June 13-17, 2016
Awarding of PoC In the 2nd stage of the process, 4 projects will be invited for interview, and 2 other projects will be short-listed. The interviews will follow a fixed format. Presentation and Q&A session will be assessed according to technical description and the quality of the proposal. Technical description refers to: the technical description of the project how the necessary resources are expected to be used the project schedule the workplan how the project is supposed to measure results the person-months for the type of work foreseen the industry involvement. Quality refers to: how industry is coordinated and involved into the process of technology transfer M.Losasso June 13-17, 2016
PoC and way to go M15 [Jun 2016 ] launching of Call for Proposal Present the PoC at the plenary session Open the application to PoC on June 20, 2016. M18 [Oct 2016] deadline for submission of proposals October 20, 2016 (after 4 months of CfP) M19 [Oct/Nov 2016] review and selection of Projects The budget allocation for successful projects will be decided by the Management Team, in consultation with the WP2 coordinator. The monitoring of the awarded projects (also in terms of results) to be done according to the implementation plan presented in proposals. M.Losasso June 13-17, 2016
PoC fund: Scoring & awarding Selected project will be scored and the first 4 projects invited for interview. 2 more projects short-listed. Interview is: Max. 20-30 minutes presentation in front of the EvPa Max 20-30 minutes Q&A session after the presentation Interview including Q&A session will be the basis for the final scoring to award a maximum of 4 projects. The budget allocation for each project having passed the final evaluation will be decided by the Management Team, in consultation with the WP2 coordinator. The monitoring of the awarded projects (also in terms of results) to be done according to the implementation plan presented in proposals. M.Losasso June 13-17, 2016
Thank you and Questions? M.Losasso June 13-17, 2016