TOF Low Voltage and High Voltage Systems Vahe Ghazikhanian UCLA Department of Physics and Astronomy V. Ghazikhanian July 21, 2005
Basic Low Voltage Power Requirement of TOF FEEs. Maximum 110 Watts/tray @ 4.8 Volts @ tray. Low Noise: Periodic and Random Distortion (PARD) < few mVRMS Floating outputs. Shielded power cables (optional). Independent supplies/tray. Regulation: Not critical (linear regulation on FEE cards). Remotely controlled and monitored. Safety: Interlocked and adhere to STAR/BNL safety. Rack mounted Relatively low cost. Good efficiency (not critical). V. Ghazikhanian July 21, 2005
Comparison of Power Supply choices for TOF FEE. V. Ghazikhanian July 21, 2005
Linear Regulated power supply with remote sensing scheme for TOF LV system. V. Ghazikhanian July 21, 2005
V. Ghazikhanian July 21, 2005
David L. Huffman FNAL Eng. Note August 16, 2002 Doc # H020816A Testing for use in MINOS V. Ghazikhanian July 21, 2005
(March 2005 Cu-Cu on-line data) Comparison of MRPC Noise Rates Between Wiener and Kepco Linear supplies (March 2005 Cu-Cu on-line data) V. Ghazikhanian July 21, 2005
TOF System Resolution from Off-Line Analaysis Kepco Linear (red curve) vs. Wiener (blue curve) (March 2005 Cu-Cu) V. Ghazikhanian July 21, 2005
Arrangement of Supplies in Half Height Racks. Linear Regulated Supplies Total of 30 racks required Ferroresonant power supply Total of 8 racks required Wiener power supply Total of 3 racks required V. Ghazikhanian July 21, 2005
Low Voltage System Project Schedule. V. Ghazikhanian July 21, 2005
Kepco Ferroresonant series specs. V. Ghazikhanian July 21, 2005
Slow Control for the TOF LV system. Hardware: microcontroller based similar to EMC HV system. Output voltages, currents and temperature for each supply are monitored. Software: LabView based GUI. V. Ghazikhanian July 21, 2005
A Sample of LabView Graphical User Interface Control Screen Based on Custom RS485 master/slave Protocol Developed at UCLA. V. Ghazikhanian July 21, 2005
Updated LabView Graphical User Interface (from EMC HV). V. Ghazikhanian July 21, 2005
TOF High Voltage System Requirements. High Voltage to provide symmetric HV up to +/- 7.5 KV @ few uA/tray (this current takes into account Beam on condition scaled to RHIC upgrade luminosities). Remote programability/monitoring: Voltage, current limits, ramping rates, voltage and current monitoring (10 nA resolution). Isolation: power supply outputs must be floating. Furthermore, since one set of plus and minus outputs supply current for up to 10 trays tray inputs are isolated from other trauys to avoid interference. HV will be interfaced to STAR interlock system. Remote control software will be based on LabView and will be interfaced to STAR controls (logging and alarms). V. Ghazikhanian July 21, 2005
Choice of HV Power Supply. CAEN SY127 mainframe with A631 pods has been used to supply HV to MRPCs (some problems have been encountered during last two runs - failed A631 modules). Each SY127 accommodates 10 A631 pods. Each A631 pod (negative and positive output versions available) supplies 4 independent floating channels. Each output could supply up to 8 KV at 100 uA. (One fully equipped SY127 would serve the entire TOF system if we use fanout distribution boxes) Distribution boxes located on the magnet will fan out each pair of + and – HV to up to 10 trays. These boxes will supply required isolation, filtering and grounding of the HV. Raynolds/Teledyne 22 KV cables will be used for HV distribution. Kings 1065 series 10 KV (DC tested to 25 KV) will be used to interface the HV to power supplies, distribution boxes, and the trays. Remote control and monitoring of the SY127 will be done through CAENET (PC based A1303 PCI-HS CAENET controller already used to control HV system in the past few years). V. Ghazikhanian July 21, 2005
TOF High Voltage Distribution System V. Ghazikhanian July 21, 2005
LabView GUI for SMD TCP/IP-based HV Control Program for CAEN SY1527 Mainframe Developed by UCLA. V. Ghazikhanian July 21, 2005