2017 CEAL Cataloging Workshop CJK Numerals: CEAL Best Practices Shi Deng & CEAL CTP Subcommittee on RDA members March 14th, 2017
Agenda Background Survey results Remaining issues Next steps Q & A
Background CTP surveys and responses to LC PSD Post 2012 RDA Workshop, discussions/suggestions on the wiki 2013 document: CEAL CTP feedback on LC response 2014 CTP letter to LC PSD LC-PCC PS for 1.8.2, first alternative, added in September 2015 Announcement at the eastlib with MARC examples and modified information on 9/4/2015 2016 CEAL Cataloging Workshop: follow-up on 490/830, 260/264, 505, etc. Group discussion: lots of comments, ran out of time; agreed to send out a survey 2016 summaries CTP & CTP Subcommittee on RDA Draft a document with instructions and proposals Survey sent out on March 3rd, 2017 and survey results available online
Remaining issues: Announcement: footnote: “this new Policy Statement has covered only some major categories, but the RDA Subcommittee is still working on a best practice document for other categories, e.g. series numbering including $n and $v, etc. Stay tuned for our update! …” Series numbering Non-numeral characters Ordinal numbers Contents notes Publication dates Year + month Year + month + year Others Perspectives Consider related rules such as rare books guidelines
Survey result: 83.33% agreed with the recommendation. Q1: Non-numeral numbers appear at level one series numbers For 490, follow LC-PCC PS 1.8.2 1st alternative, “substitute Western-style Arabic numerals when non-Latin script numerals appear on the resource.” For 830, follow LC-PCC PS Example: 上中下 at level one: 上卷or 상권on preferred source 490 1_ ǂv 1卷 490 1_ ǂv 1 juan 830 _0 ǂv 1卷. 830 _0 ǂv 1 juan. Optionally, with a note: 500 Original series numbering is上卷. 500 Original series numbering is shang juan. 490 1_ ǂv 1권 490 1_ ǂv 1-kwŏn 830 _0 ǂv 1권. 830 _0 ǂv 1-kwŏn. 500 Original series numbering is상권. Original series numbering is sanggwŏn. Survey result: 83.33% agreed with the recommendation.
Q2: Series numbering in non-numeral words: same as Q1 Example: Example: 甲乙丙丁at level one: 甲on preferred source (same as using天地玄黃, 宇宙洪荒, 元亨利貞, 春夏秋冬, etc. as numerals) 490 1_ 重刊校正笠澤叢書 ; ǂv 1 490 1_ Chong kan jiao zheng Li ze cong shu ; ǂv 1 830 _0 重刊校正笠澤叢書 ; ǂv 1. 830 _0 Chong kan jiao zheng Li ze cong shu ; ǂv 1. Optionally, with a note: 500 Original numbering in甲乙丙丁. Original numbering in jia yi bin ding. Survey results: 76.19% agreed Comments: I prefer transcribing as it is in 490, but substituting Arabic numerals in 8XXs; I would like to transcribe them rather than substitute with Arabic nos; For early printed resources, field 490-$v should transcribe from the preferred source. Field 500 notes should correspond to 490/830 with " 甲" and "jia" alone without "乙丙丁" and "yi bin ding“; Should not be optional; but note should only refer to volumes at hand.
Q3: Non-numeral numbers at level 2 Series numbering Example: 上中下 at level two: 5下on preferred source 490 1_ ǂv 5, pt. 3 490 1_ ǂv 5, pt. 3 830 _0 ǂv 5, pt. 3. 830 _0 ǂv 5, pt. 3. Optionally, with a note: 500 Original numbering in 5下. 500 Original numbering in 5 xia. Example: 甲乙丙丁at level two: 12乙on preferred source 490 1_ 玉海附刻 ; ǂv 12, pt. 2 490 1_ Yu hai fu ke ; ǂv 12, pt. 2 830 _0 玉海附刻 ; ǂv 12, pt. 2. 830 _0 Yu hai fu ke ; ǂv 12, pt. 2. 500 Original numbering in 12乙. Original numbering in 12 yi. Survey results: 81.82% agreed with the recommendation Comments: I prefer transcribing as it is in 490, but substituting Arabic numerals in 8XXs; transcribe them; Should not be optional, but required. Xiao means there is no part 4, which is not the same as saying pt. 3. Hence, not equivalent, hence explanation required.
Q4. (Ordinal) series number grammatically integrated with the series title: For 490, follow For 830, follow Example: 沈從文著作集之一 on preferred source 4901 沈從文著作集之一 490 1_ Shen Congwen zhu zuo ji zhi yi 800 1_ 沈從文, ǂd 1902-1988. ǂt Works. ǂk Selections (1948) ; ǂv 1. 800 1_ Shen, Congwen, ǂd 1902-1988. ǂt Works. ǂk Selections (1948) ; ǂv 1. Survey results: 95.45% agreed with the recommendation Comment: "Shen Congwen" should instead read: Shen, Congwen [with a comma between "Shen" and "Congwen"
Survey results: 95.24% agreed with the recommendation Q5: (Ordinal) series section number grammatically integrated with the series title Example: Guo jia min wei “min zu wen ti wu zhong cong shu” zhi er (国家民委《民族问题 五种丛书》之二) on preferred source 490 1_ 国家民委《民族问题五种丛书》之二 490 1_ Guo jia min wei "min zu wen ti wu zhong cong shu" zhi er 830 _0 国家民委《民族问题五种丛书》. $n 2. 830 _0 Guo jia min wei "min zu wen ti wu zhong cong shu." $n 2. Survey results: 95.24% agreed with the recommendation Comments: "二" is not an ordinal number, but a cardinal one.
Example: 源氏物語 柏木 河海抄 卷第十五 on preferred source Q6. Number designation for a part/section of a work expressed as words in a title (2xx/7xx): For description, follow PS, 2 & 1.8.2, 1st alternative. For access points, follow PS & Example: 源氏物語 柏木 河海抄 卷第十五 on preferred source 245 00 源氏物語. ǂp 柏木. ǂb 河海抄. ǂn 卷第十五 / ǂc ... 245 00 Genji monogatari. ǂp Kashiwagi. ǂb Kakaishō. ǂn Maki daijūgo / ǂc ... 700 12 ǂi Container of (work): ǂa 四辻善成, ǂd 1329- 1402. ǂt 河海抄. ǂn 卷第 15. 700 12 ǂi Container of (work): ǂa Yotsutsuji, Yoshinari, ǂd 1329-1402. ǂt Kakaishō. ǂn Maki dai 15. 740 02 河海抄. ǂn 卷第十五. 740 02 Kakaishō. ǂn Maki daijūgo. Survey results: Comments: Check if 245 $p. $b is the correct subfield coding; As long as the controllable field contains Arabic numbers, numbers in 245 and 740 fields can be spelled out.
Q7. (Ordinal) numbers as volume designation in contents notes for multi-volumes (505): For description, follow 1.8.5 & PS, 6 (with a possible proposal to restore LCRI) Example: 第一 自明治三十四年至大正二年, 第二… on preferred source 505 1_ 第1. 自明治三十四年至大正二年 -- 第2. ... 505 1_ dai 1. Meiji sanjūyonen yori Taishō 2-nen ni itaru ... -- dai 2. ... [Note: Japanese Romanization rule on recording date in title conflict with RDA 1.4.] Example: 《 董味甘诗词歌赋选(全四卷) 》卷一 诗,卷二 词, 卷三 歌, 卷四赋. 505 0_ 卷1. 诗 -- 卷2. 词 -- 卷3. 歌 -- 卷4. 赋. 505 0_ juan 1. Shi -- juan 2. Ci -- juan 3. Ge -- juan 4. Fu. Example: 첫째. 사랑하는 사람, 둘째. 입영전야 on preferred source [Korean native ordinal number] 505 0_ 1째. 사랑 하는 사람 – 2째. 입영 전야. 505 0_ 1-tchae. Sarang hanŭn saram – 2-tchae. Ibyŏng chŏnya. 500 Original numbering is 첫째. Example: 일. 지리산, 이. 한라산 on preferred source [Korean cardinal number] 505 0_ 1. 지리산 -- 2. 한라산. 505 0_ 1. Chirisan – 2. Hallasan. 500 Original numbering is 일. PS for 6, a) Give the volume designation that is found on the resource; separate the volume designation from the title by a period-space. 1.8.5—Ordinal numbers Chinese, Japanese, or Korean language source. When recording ordinal numerals from a source in Chinese, Japanese, or Korean, record them as numerals accompanied by the character indicating that the numeral is ordinal. Example: Di 8 (8th in Chinese)
Q7 survey results & comments: Survey results: 79.17% agreed with the recommendation Comments:
Q8. Publication dates with months/dates (260/264): It’s cataloger’s judgment or institutional policy to record year only. Follow to record. This is to recommend best practices for consistency. Publication date is not of the Gregorian or Julian calendar. Follow RDA optional additions. Example: 民國一〇四年一月on preferred source 264 _1 ǂc民國104年1月 [January 2015] 264 _1 ǂc Minguo 104 nian 1 yue [January 2015] Example: 平成29年2月11日on preferred source 264 _1 ǂc平成 29年2月11日 [February 11, 2017] 264 _1 ǂc Heisei 29-nen 2-gatsu 11-nichi [February 11, 2017] Example: 단기 4289년 12월 30일on preferred source 264 _1 ǂc 단기 4289년 12월 30일 [December 30, 1956] 264 _1 ǂc Tan'gi 4289-yŏn 12-wŏl 30-il [December 30, 1956] If both non-Gregorian and Gregorian appear on a resource: Example: 4289년 (1956) 12월 30일 on preferred source 264 _1 ǂc 단기 4289년 (1956) 12월 30일 [December 30, 1956] 264 _1 ǂc Tan'gi 4289-yŏn (1956) 12-wŏl 30-il [December 30, 1956] Survey results: 91.67% agreed with the recommendation Comments: No need to put the month and date; I do not agree with including month or day in either the vernacular or the transliteration. I prefer 民國104 [2015], 平成 29 [2017], etc.
Example: 2016年3月28日on preferred source Q9. Publication dates (260/264): dates in Gregorian or Julian calendar in CJK languages. This is to propose a new PS, with adding corresponding date in English for identification purpose. Example: 2016年3月28日on preferred source 264 _1 ǂc 2016年3月28日 [March 28, 2016] 264 _1 ǂc 2016 nian 3 yue 28 ri [March 28, 2016] Example: 2013年12月on preferred source 264 _1 ǂc 2013年12月 [December 2013] 264 _1 ǂc 2013-nen 12- gatsu [December 2013] Survey results: 82.61% agreed with the recommendation Comments: No need to put month and date; I'm not sure it's necessary, especially if we need to propose; When the CJK language presentation is for the year alone, e.g., "2016年", there is no need to add " [2016]“; Much better to simply record these dates as 2016 and 2013, respectively.
Q10. Publication dates expressed as non-numeral words. Follow 2. 8. 1 Q10. Publication dates expressed as non-numeral words. Follow and optional addition. Example: 平成元年発行 or 嘉慶元年 on preferred source (元 interpreted as “numbers expressed as words”) 264 _1 ǂc 平成元年 [1989] 264 _1 ǂc Heisei gannen [1989] 264 _1 ǂc 嘉慶元年 [1796] 264 _1 ǂc Jiaqing yuan nian [1796] Example: 康熙戊寅(cyclical date) on preferred source 264 1 ǂc康熙戊寅[1698] 264 _1 ǂc Kangxi wu yin [1698] Example: 太祖 元年 on preferred source 264 _1 ǂc 太祖 元年 [1392] 264 _1 ǂc T’aejo wŏnnyŏn [1392] Survey results: 91.67% agreed with the recommendation Comments: I am used to transcribing "Heisei 1" for the first example, but this seems okay as well. This is inconsistent with Q2 and Q3 above.
Remaining issues & next steps
Remaining issues Ordinal vs. cardinal numbers as volume designation in contents notes (505) Ordinal numbers as volume designation in contents notes for mluti-volumes (505)--When the volume title alone is insufficient to identify the volume itself Ordinal numbers as volume designation in contents notes for mluti-volumes (505)--When the volume title alone is sufficient to identify the volume itself Cardinal numbers as volume designation in contents notes for mluti-volumes (505)--When the volume title alone is insufficient to identify the volume itself Cardinal numbers as volume designation in contents notes for mluti-volumes (505)--When the volume title alone is sufficient to identify the volume itself Korean examples Ordinal numbers in Native Korean and Sino-Korean numbers: For description (MARC field 490), follow: RDA 1.8.2. 2nd alternative. For series authorized access point (8XX field), follow LC-PCC PS for (Recording Number of Part): “Record numerals in series numbering in the authorized access point as Arabic numerals.” Ordinal numbers: 첫 번째 or첫째 Example: 첫 번째on preferred source 490 1_ ǂv 첫 번째 [1] 490 1 ǂv Tch’ŏt pŏntchae [1] 830 _0 ǂv 1.
Korean examples: Korean series numbering: Ordinal numbers with the character indicating that the numeral is ordinal. Apply LC-PCC PS 1.8.2. 1st alternative and RDA 1.8.5. Ordinal numbers with the character 第 or제 Example: 第一輯 or 제 일집 or 제 1집on preferred source 490 1_ ǂv 第1輯or 제 1집 or 제 1집 490 1 ǂv che 1-chip 830 _0 ǂv 第1輯or 제 1집 or 제 1집. 830 _0 ǂv che 1-chip. Cardinal numbers expressed in native Korean numbers or Hancha. Apply LC-PCC PS 1.8.2 1st alternative. Cardinal number: 하나, 일, 一 Example: 일 on preferred source 490 1_ ǂv 1 490 1 ǂv 1 830 _0 ǂv 1. 500 Original numbering is 일. 500 Original numbering is il.
Korean examples—Korean numbering for multi-volumes in contents notes (505) Ordinal Korean native and Sino-Korean numbers (proposal to revise PS, 6) needed) Ordinal Korean numbers: 첫 번째, 첫째 Example: 첫번째. 사랑하는 사람, 두번째. 입영전야 on preferred source 505 0_ 1. 사랑 하는 사람 – 2. 입영 전야. 505 0_ 1. Sarang hanŭn saram – 2. Ibyŏng chŏnya. 500 Original numbering is 첫 번째. 500 Original numbering is tch’ŏt pŏntchae. Ordinal numbers with the character indicating that the numeral is ordinal (第 or 제). Apply 1.8.5. (proposal to revise PS, 6) needed) Example: 第一輯. 三國史記地理志索引-- 第二輯. 校訂慶尚道地理志 -- 第三輯. 校訂世 宗實錄地理志 on preferred source 505 0_ 第 1輯. 三國 史記 地理志 索引-- 第 2輯. 校訂 慶尚道 地理志 -- 第 3輯. 校訂 世宗 實錄 地理志. 505 0_ che 1-chip. Samguk sagi chiriji saegin -- che 2-chip. Kyojŏng Kyŏngsang-do chiriji -- che 3-chip. Kyojŏng Sejong sillok chiriji.
Korean examples—Korean numbering for multi-volumes in contents notes (505) Cardinal numbers expressed as native Korean numbers or Hancha (일, 一) [proposal to revise PS, 6) needed] Example: 일. 사랑하는 사람, 이. 입영전야 on preferred source 505 0_ 1. 사랑 하는 사람 -- 2. 입영 전야. 505 0_ 1. Sarang hanŭn saram –2. Ibyŏng chŏnya. 500 Original numbering is 일. 500 Original numbering is il. Publication dates For date written in Korean script, spell it out. Example: 단기 사천이백팔십 on preferred source 264 _1 ǂc 단기 사천이백팔십 [1947] 264 _1 ǂc Tan’gi sach’ŏn-ibaek-p’alsip [1947] If both non-Gregorian and Gregorian appear on a resource Example: 단기 4289년 (1956) 12월 30일on preferred source 264 _1 ǂc 단기 4289년 (1956) 12월 30일 [December 30, 1956] 264 _1 ǂc Tan'gi 4289-yŏn (1956) 12-wŏl 30-il [December 30, 1956] Publication date expressed as non-numeral words Example: 영조 원년 on preferred source 264 _1 ǂc 영조 원년 [1725] 264 _1 ǂc Yŏngjo wŏnnyŏn [1725]
Next steps Shall we submit CEAL proposals to PCC SCS this year or wait till 3R project implemented in April 2018? Series numbering in the 2nd level Restore LCRI 2.7B18, 6) a) for 505 contents notes? Propose a rule for Korean native numbers and cardinal numbers separately? Korean examples in details A CEAL guideline with more detailed instructions to be written and released this year, or wait till 3R project implemented in April 2018? Display issues resolved by the content standards?
Q & A