Subphylum Uniramia Class Insecta Order Ephemeroptera (mayflies) Order Plecoptera (stoneflies) Order Odonata (dragon/damselflies) Order Trichoptera (caddisflies) Order Megaloptera (alderflies) Order Hemiptera (true bugs) Order Coleoptera (beetles) Order Neuroptera (net-winged) Order Lepidoptera (Butterflies) Order Diptera (flies and midges) Order Collembola (spring tails)
1.Order Ephemeroptera (mayflies)
2.Order Plecoptera (stoneflies)
3.Order Odonata (dragon/damselflies)
4.Order Trichoptera (caddisflies)
5.Order Megaloptera (alderflies)
6.Order Hemiptera (true bugs)
7.Order Coleoptera (beetles)
8.Order Neuroptera (net-winged insects)
9.Order Lepidoptera (Butterflies)
10.Order Diptera (flies and midges)
11.Order Collembola (spring tails)
Insects There are more kinds of insects than there are all other animal species all together There are could be 300 million times as many insects as humans on earth. Insects have a body that is divided into 3 parts (head, thorax and abdomen
External Anatomy Adult insects are known for having three major body regions, six legs, one pair of antennae and usually two pair of wings as adults. head thorax abdomen
3 distinct regions: head: sensory perception, neural integration, food gathering. Thorax: locomotion Abdomen: houses visceral organs (digestive, excretory, reproductive systems)
Head Important external features: 1) Antennae -- contain chemical, olfactory, tactile, and auditory receptors. Can also sense vibrations. 2) Compound eyes (vision/movement/color) and dorsal ocelli (light detection). Many insects perceive ultraviolet, blue-green and red wavelengths. 3) Specialized mouth parts – food gathering, defense.
Head: Mouthparts 2 general types: 1) mandibulate: specialized for biting off and chewing food (most nymphs) 2) haustellate: specially adapted for piercing and sucking (e.g. mosquitoes and dipterans).
Two Examples of Mouthparts chewing piercing/sucking Insect mouthparts are also highly modified for the insect. Chewing, biting, or sucking, are a few examples. Mouthparts of an immature insect may differ from those of the same insect in its adult stage.
Antennae Antennae are used by insects as major sensory beetle butterfly fly ant termite June beetle Antennae are used by insects as major sensory devices, especially for smell, and can be adaptive for the insect in many ways.
Thorax Legs: Composed of 3 segments: 1) anterior – prothorax 2) middle – mesothorax 3) posterior -- metathroax Legs:
Abdomen --Generally composed of 11 ‘metameres’ --Each metamere composed of: dorsally – sclerite (tergum) ventrally – sclerite (sternum) laterally – membranous (pleuron) --Genitalia located on 8-9 segment
Digestive system foregut midgut hindgut Mouth Pharynx Esophogus Crop (stores food) Gizzard (denticles help macerate food) Stomach Pyloric valve Pylorus Intestine (water reabsorption) rectum foregut midgut hindgut
Circulatory System Open circulatory system: a) Capillaries are absent. Blood flows through hemocoelic spaces (bathes internal organs) b) Insect blood is relatively clear and contains hemocytes (analogous to WBC/ white blood cell ).
Excretory System --Malpighian tubules (2-150): distal ends free in hemocoel. -- Uric acid in hemolymph combines with potasium bicarbonate to form potassium acid urate. -- PAU taken up by Malpighian tubules, reabsorb Potassium bicarb. – and excrete crystalline uric acid as a dry pellet.
Sistem pernapasan terdiri dari kantung udara dan tabung yang disebut tracheae. Udara masuk ke tabung melalui serangkaian bukaan yang disebut spirakel yang ditemukan sepanjang sisi tubuh. spirakel terbesar biasanya ditemukan pada otot-otot dada di mana lebih besar dari sayap dan kaki membutuhkan lebih banyak oksigen. spirakel tida tdp di kepala.
tracheal tubes spiracles Respiratory System
Insect Structure * Insects have 6 legs connected to the chest part. * Some insects legs are all the same size. Some insects have one pair of legs larger than the other two pairs. * A grasshopper has one pair of legs larger than the other two pairs. These larger legs are used for jumping. Longer back legs
Insect Growth and Development * Insects eat a lot, so they grow very fast. As they grow, insects may molt and grow new exoskeletons, or they may change completely. * A huge change in appearance is called metamorphosis. * There are two kinds of metamorphosis: ______________ and ______________. complete incomplete
Life Cycles metamorphosis metamorphosis The many diverse orders of insects have four different types of life cycles. These life cycles are called "metamorphosis" because of the changes of shape that the insects undergo during development.
Without Metamorphosis egg nymphs adult Without meta The first type is "without" metamorphosis which the wingless primitive orders such as silverfish (Thysanura) and springtails (Collembola) possess. The young resemble adults except for size.
Incomplete Metamorphosis egg naiads adult Incomplete meta The second type is "incomplete" metamorphosis which is found among the aquatic insect orders such as mayflies (Ephemeroptera) and dragonflies (Odonata).
Gradual Metamorphosis The third type is "gradual" metamorphosis seen in such orders as the grasshoppers (Orthoptera), termites (Isoptera), thrips (Thysanoptera), and true bugs (Hemiptera). This life cycle starts as an egg, but each growth, or nymphal stage looks similar, except it lacks wings and the reproductive capacity that the adult possesses. Gradual meta nymphs egg adult
Complete Metamorphosis The fourth type is "complete" metamorphosis found in butterflies (Lepidoptera), beetles (Coleoptera), flies (Diptera), and bees, wasps, and ants (Hymenoptera). This life cycle has the four stages of egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Each stage is quite distinct. egg larvae pupa adult
Metamorphosis -Subclass Apterygota (ametamorphic) - Subclass Pterygota (2 jenis metamorfosis) Exopterygotes - sayap eksternal berkembang pada tahap akhir nimfa - Mengalami metamorfosis sederhana atau tidak lengkap disebut hemimetabolous. - (mis. odonata, Hemiptera) Endoterygotes - sayap internal berkembang selama tahap larva) - m'alami metamorfosis lengkap disebut holometabolous. (mis. Coleoptera, trichoptera, Diptera)
Metamorphosis 1) Hemimetabolous life cycle: includes 3 developmental stages– egg, nymph and adult. Most larva (except Plecoptera) do not resemble adults. Ephemeroptera (mayflies) Odonata (dragonflies) Orthoptera (grasshoppers) Isoptera (termites) Dermaptera (earwigs) Psocoptera (booklice & barklice) Mallophaga (chewing lice) Anoplura (sucking lice) *Thysanoptera (thrips) Hemiptera (true bugs) Homoptera (cicadas, aphids, etc.)
2) Holometabolous life cycle: includes 4 developmental stages– egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Larva do not resemble adults. Coleoptera (beetles) Lepidoptera (butterflies & moths) Diptera (flies) Hymenoptera (ants, wasps, bees) Siphonaptera (fleas) Strepsiptera (twist-winged parasites) Mecoptera (scorpionflies) Tricoptera (caddisflies) Neuroptera (antlions, lacewings) *Thysanoptera (thrips)
3) Ametabolous life cycle A growth stage of certain insects characterized by an increase in size without distinct external changes. silverfish, firebrats, and springtails
Complete Metamorphosis * In complete metamorphosis, insects like butterflies and moths have 4 stages of development. * The first stage makes an egg. * During the second stage, the egg hatches and a larva comes out. * A caterpillar is the larva of an insect that will become a butterfly or a moth.
Complete Metamorphosis * During the third stage, a pupa is made. * A pupa is sometimes wrapped in a cocoon or in a Chrysalis. * A cocoon is the pupa of a silk. A cocoon is made of moth. * A chrysalis is the pupa of a buterfly. * In the last stage, the insect is finally an adult.
From Caterpillar to Butterfly Larva Pupa Chrysalis Emerging butterfly Monarch butterfly
Metamorphosis Comparison Complete Incomplete * Occurs in four stages * Young insect looks like the adult egg larva pupa adult * Insect grows bigger and bigger * Insect's appearance changes completely * As the insect grows, it sheds its exoskeleton * Young insect looks nothing like the adult * Occurs in butterflies and moths
Incomplete Metamorphosis * Incomplete metamorphosis happens in grasshoppers, termites, and dragonflies. * In incomplete metamorphosis, young animals that look like the adult hatch from eggs. * As the young animals grow, they keep molting, shedding their exoskeletons, and getting larger.
Insect Behavior * These insects live in colonies or hives. * Most insects live alone. But, some insects are social and cannot survive alone. * These insects live in colonies or hives. * A colony is a group of insects living together. The insect do differents job and are very organized
Insect Behavior * An amazing example of a colony is a beehive. * A beehive is very organized colonies of bees.
* All insects must protect themselves. Insects' Defense * All insects must protect themselves. * Bees and wasps have stingers to protect themselves. * Many other insects use camouflage. * Camouflage allows an insect to hide by blending in with their environment
Aquatic Insects 5 have larvae that are almost entirely aquatic 10 aquatic orders: 5 have larvae that are almost entirely aquatic Ephemeroptera Odonata Plecoptera Trichoptera Megaloptera 5 are partially aquatic Heteroptera Coleoptera Diptera Lepidoptera Neuroptera
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