Melody Basics 7th Grade.


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Presentation transcript:

Melody Basics 7th Grade

Steps of the Major Scale Do Ti La So(l) Fa Mi Re “Scale” comes from the Italian word “Scala” which means stairs or ladder. A Scale is the set of pitches used in music. It can be moved to start on any pitch, but it always sounds the same An interval is the distance from one pitch to another. Skip Step

Musical Clefs The Treble Clef (for high notes) The Bass Clef (for low notes)

Sight-Reading Melodies Do Re Mi Mi Fa So Fa Mi So La So Fa Mi Re Do Mi Fa So Fa Mi Re Do Do Mi So La Ti Do

Terms Unison: Everyone singing exactly the same note. Harmony: At least two different notes together that blend. Dissonance: Notes together that clash. Let’s sing up the scale and find the harmonic and dissonant intervals.