Week of November 28-December 2, 2016 Bellwork: Every day this week, you will continue to work in your Sentence Structures and Fluency Packet. So, get your binders, take out the packet and work on . . .
Sentence Structures and Fluency Packet Monday, November 28, 2016 Pages 6-7. If it is complete, please check your work. If it is not, please complete it thoughtfully and carefully. Check answers. Use a colored pen to correct any errors.
Monday, November 28, 2016 Please use this time to organize your binders. Remember there are five sections: Bellwork and Exit Tickets Notes Handouts Graded Essays and Assessments (quizzes and tests) Vocabulary (including your Tier 2 assignments) I will do a quick binder check to make sure everything is in order.
Monday, November 28, 2016 Texts from Semester 1 Additional Topics “The Monkey’s Paw” “Contents of a Dead Man’s Pocket” “Like the Sun” “The Open Window” From Swimming to Antarctica Maus “The Masque of Red Death” “The Fall of the House of Usher” Speeches by JFK, RFK, Reagan, and Bush Memoirs: The Glass Castle, Me Talk Pretty One Day Characterization Irony Point of View Paradox Conflict Hyperbole Setting Symbolism Theme Allusion Plot Metaphor Foreshadowing Essays Mood Speeches Tone Gothic Literature
Monday, November 28, 2016 We will go through your binders together and look for notes on the readings and the other topics including literary terms and figurative language, elements of speeches and essays, and Gothic literature. Highlight information appropriately to help you during the exam. Advice: You will not have extra time during the exam and should use your notes only when you are unsure of an answer. Don’t waste time by underestimating what you know. When I studied for exams, I usually wrote a summary of each of the reading selections (on a notecard) for review.
Closure Monday, November 28, 2016 What topics are you fuzzy on/confused about and need to review in the coming weeks? How do you plan to prepare for your semester exams (in all classes)?
Sentence Structures and Fluency Packet Tuesday, November 29, 2016 Pages 8-9. If it is complete, please check your work. If it is not, please complete it thoughtfully and carefully. Check answers. Use a colored pen to correct any errors.
Tuesday, November 29, 2016 Speeches Mario Kevin Bria Beto Jazmine Andrea Esperanza Daelyon Alora Valarie Jackson Juan Carlos Jon Marco Hamza
Closure Tuesday, November 29, 2016 How did the speeches go today? Give each of our speakers some practical advice: 1. What did they do well? 2. What could use improvement? 3. What did you learn from today’s speeches? 4. What questions do you still have?
Sentence Structures and Fluency Packet Wednesday, November 30, 2016 Pages 10-11. We will get started together. Preview the material while I do attendance.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016 Speeches Perrison Jesus Anthony J Ximena Hadji Dulce Jennifer Cohen Victor Kassandra Julio Lesly Maria Mia Paulino
Closure Wednesday, November 30, 2016 How did the speeches go today? Give each of our speakers some practical advice: 1. What did they do well? 2. What could use improvement? 3. What did you learn from today’s speeches? 4. What questions do you still have?
Sentence Structures and Fluency Packet Thursday, December 1, 2016 Complete pages 12-13. Check answers. Use a colored pen to correct any errors.
Thursday, December 1, 2016 Speeches Brandon Nebil Jose Gilda German Elliana Martha Paulino
Closure Thursday, December 1, 2016 How did the speeches go today? Give each of our speakers some practical advice: 1. What did they do well? 2. What could use improvement? 3. What did you learn from today’s speeches? 4. What questions do you still have?
Sentence Structures and Fluency Packet Friday, December 2, 2016 Complete pages 14-15. Check answers. Use a colored pen to correct any errors. Turn in your packets– make sure your name is on it!
Friday, December 2, 2016 Speeches Mateyo David D. Skylar Karina Rodrigo Anthony A Milton Francisco Paul Abraham Kai Janai Jonathon Jaelyn Junior Marquez Abran Johan
Closure Friday, December 2, 2016 How did the speeches go today? Give each of our speakers some practical advice: 1. What did they do well? 2. What could use improvement? 3. What did you learn from today’s speeches? 4. What questions do you still have?
December 5-9, 2016 Sophomore English Please make a six-square foldable for your Tier 2 Vocabulary like we did a couple of weeks ago.
Bellwork Monday, December 5, 2016 MAKE YOUR 6-SQUARE FOLDABLE! NOVEMBER TIER 2 WORDS: relate 2 = to show or make a connection between two things modify 2 = to change develop 3 = to elaborate or expand in detail separate 2 = disconnect or disassociate compare/contrast 2 (3 with textual evidence) = to find likenesses and differences distinguish 2 = to set apart Use each of the words in a DOK question or writing prompt about the works we have read and the literary terms we have studied.
Monday, December 5, 2016 Speeches Cesar Martha Gladys Miguel Hazel Stephany Alex Roberto Alexis Audrey Mikey Kaya Alexiana Rodrigo Skylar Kassandra Zahraa Anthony A. Maria Fatima Paul Milton Junior
Closure Monday, December 5, 2016 How did the speeches go today? Give each of our speakers some practical advice: 1. What did they do well? 2. What could use improvement? 3. What did you learn from today’s speeches? 4. What questions do you still have?
Bellwork Tuesday, December 6, 2016 MAKE YOUR 6-SQUARE FOLDABLE! DECEMBER TIER 2 WORDS: conclusions 3 = final end results; closure argument 3 = a statement, reason, or fact for or against a point cause/effect 2 = a relationship between events with one impacting the other revise 3 = to amend or alter critique 3 or 4 (depending on time and research) = detailed evaluation; review prove 4 = to establish the truth of, as by evidence and argument Use each of the words in a DOK question or writing prompt about the works we have read and the literary terms we have studied.
Tuesday, December 6, 2016 Speeches MAKE UP DAY!
Closure Tuesday, December 6, 2016 How did the speeches go today? Give each of our speakers some practical advice: 1. What did they do well? 2. What could use improvement? 3. What did you learn from today’s speeches? 4. What questions do you still have?
Bellwork Wednesday, December 7, 2016 Find last Wednesday’s Bellwork! Look for a blue snowflake stamp. Here was the prompt: If you had to write a memoir about an event in your life, what would it be about? Would it be sad or funny? What three pieces of information would you be sure to include? Discuss the handout – Graphic Organizer for Memoir Essay Read the handout The Memoir Essay
Notes Wednesday, December 7, 2016 1. What does memoir mean? (¶ 1) 2. What is the time frame of your memoir, not only when it happened, but also how long will the essay span? (¶ 2) 3. What key element must your memoir contain? (¶ 2-3) 4. What does Baldwin mean when he explains that the purpose of writing is “to squeeze from experience ‘the last drop, sweet or bitter, it can possibly give’”? (¶ 4) 5. What is crucially important in your story telling? How do you plan to use imagery and other figurative language to enhance your memoir? (¶ 5)
Wednesday, December 7, 2016 For the next two days, you will have a substitute teacher. Please be on your best behavior and treat her with the respect you show me. Turn in book projects. Today is the final day to turn in any book projects for credit for the semester.
Thursday and Friday, December 8 - 9, 2016 Work on Memoir Graphic Organizer. I will expect you to turn this in on Monday when I return completed with detailed notes. When you finish your graphic organizer, the sub will check it, and then you will put it in your binder. Read an independent reading book. If you didn’t bring one, choose something from my shelf and read quietly.