A paradigm for rural partnerships Dr. James Guzek
Ethiopia Aira
In 2009, I got an e-mail from someone I had never met. Dr. Larry Thomas
January 2010 trip Supplies provide by SEE International. We did 56 surgeries in 5 days. ENTRY LEVEL - PROVIDING SERVICE
Returning to the USA, I spoke to my Rotary club They wanted to fully equip an eye operating room LEVEL 2
Operating microscope from Sunrise Rotary Teaching arm from Columbia Center Rotary
When I had a fully-equipped operating room, I asked myself: What about getting a local eye doctor to use our equipment to do cataract surgery more regularly?
Only one national ophthalmologist in the region Dr. Samuel Bora Finished his residency in 2009
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Bora
2012 Dr. Samuel did 800 MSICS in Aira and 400 MSICS in DD.
In September 2012, we got news Because of his poor salary, Dr. Samuel would be moving to Addis. There was no replacement for him.
Truth be told… National ophthalmologists—like Dr. Samuel—who want to work in difficult rural circumstances deserve to be supported w/o having to endure financial penalties. For someone doing 1200 surgeries per year in rural Africa, would it not be reasonable to make $25,000 to 30,000/yr?
What to do? Be BOLD. Hire Dr. Samuel! Pay Dr. Samuel’s a reasonable salary for 1 week/month at Dembi Dollo or at eye camps. We would fund-raise for the disposables
Dr. Samuel accepted 1 week/month at outreach for us. 1 week/month at Aira Hospital.
Fund-raising Larry had years of fund-raising experience and took me by the hand, teaching me step by step. Appeals to Churches Raffle of trip to Italy (donated by Trafalgar) Direct mailing/e-mail blasts to donors Appeals to Rotary clubs District grants from Rotary Himalayan Cataract Project
I told people … Costs $50/cataract to restore sight to a blind person.
Inaugural year - 2013 Dr. Samuel performed 2806 cataract surgeries at Aira, Dembi Dolo, Gambela and many remote places. 2014: 3502 2015: 3676 2016: 1806 (6 months)
2016: 20-person bus purchased Major donor from Europe through D.O.C. Part of the funding provided by GGS.
This is a paradigm… for supporting national ophthalmologists in Africa that might be duplicated by other American ophthalmologists.
It begins with a relationship Do you know an ophthalmologist in Africa who is doing great work who you think could do a lot more surgery if supported?
First steps Provide equipment so that the national ophthalmologist can do excellent surgery at the base hospital (microscope, A-scan, keratometer) Demand excellent outcomes. Encourage outreach to fixed hospitals. Don’t undermine profitability of base hospital.
Collaborate / share credit SEE HCP Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis THAF GGS Churches
Salary of ophthalmologist must be commensurate with work Salary for ophthalmologist: Base salary – probably already be in place Incentive pay – per cataract ($15/case?) Support the cost of disposables, travel expenses for team, meals, per diem, etc. for outreach surgery
Need someone like Sr. Evelyn Logistics / planning Paymaster Accountant Trustworthy
Only a very few national ophthalmologists in Africa will be found to be interested in/able to do high volume MSICS.
Thank You