What is the nature of Reality? Metaphysics What is the nature of Reality?
You and your best friend are planning a trip to China You and your best friend are planning a trip to China. At the airport, the ticket agent says “Congratulations! We are upgrading you to Teleportation Class. Just step into this black box, and you will step out the other side in Beijing!” You are a little worried about this new technology. “How does it work?” you ask. “It’s simple. The box scans your body, makes a blueprint, then disintegrates you into atoms. The atoms are transmitted at half the speed of light to a box in Beijing, where you are reassembled. It happens so fast, you don’t feel a thing! Watch!”
The ticket agent steps into the box The ticket agent steps into the box. A few seconds later, she steps back out, holding a pair of chopsticks. “There’s a great little restaurant just on the other side. I eat lunch there twice a week!” “But…you were just destroyed – completely disintegrated into atoms! You’re just a copy!” “Relax.”, your best friend says. “Remember that great little Chinese restaurant in San Franciso? How great it smelled? I think the one on the other side is even better!” Your friend hands you a potsticker. “I stepped through the box. They were giving out free samples.”
Would you use the box to travel to China?
Would you tell the police that your best friend had just been murdered?