Tidal Turbine flow field effects Marine energy resource Tidal Turbine flow field effects Horizontal axis tidal turbines operate in a very similar manner to wind turbines but are exposed to the strong tidal flows existing around the UK. This highly predictable resource could supply up to 10% of the UK’s electricity demand. Arrays of turbines will eventually be installed. Characterising the flow field around tidal turbines will enable array design to be optimised. There are many environmental and device-specific parameters that will affect the flow field. Variables affecting the flow field around tidal turbines A comprehensive 3 year project has involved the design, construction and flow mapping around 1/20th scale tidal turbines in large European test facilities. Each flow map consists of several hundred individual points to enable quantification of the flow conditions and optimisation of turbine spacing. Artist impression of a tidal turbine array Greatest Depth Smallest Width Velocity flow map downstream of 1/20th-scale tidal turbine Funded by: Industrial project partners 0.8m-diameter tidal turbine installed in a large circulating water channel www.southampton.ac.uk | www.energy.soton.ac.uk