CONFINED SPACE ENTRY CFR 1910.146 Effective April 15, 1993 Definitions: Confined Space Permit-Required Confined Space Non-Permit Confined Space
CONFINED SPACE Has limited openings for entry or exit. Is large enough for human occupancy but not meant for human occupancy. Lacks natural ventilation. May contain a hazardous atmosphere. Has the potential for engulfment. Has a recognized, serious safety or health hazard.
PERMIT REQUIRED CS A space that meets the definition of a confined space and has one or more of these characteristics: 1. The potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere. 2. Contains a material that has the potential for engulfing an entrant.
Permit Required CS, continued Has an internal configuration that may cause an entrant to become entrapped. Contains a serious safety or health hazard.
NON-PERMIT CS Does not contain, or have the potential to contain, an atmospheric hazard or hazard capable of causing death or serious physical harm. A confined space is considered a Permit required confined space until pre-entry procedures prove otherwise. (air monitoring, for example.)
List of Confined Spaces Silo Manhole Tank spill containment Etc..
Requirements of the Standard Employers must evaluate the workplace to determine if spaces are permit required confined spaces. (consult chart) Employer must inform employees. Written Program. Permit System. Training and Education
Requirements, continued Equipment: 1. Testing and Monitoring 2. Rescue 3. PPE 4. Communications 5. Ventilating
Requirements, continued Contractor requirements: 1. Inform of rules and hazards. 2. Equipment. 3. Notice to employer of any hazards being brought on employer’s site.
SIX STEPS TO SAFE CONFINED SPACE ENTRY Identify the Space Permit the Space Isolate the Space Ventilate the Space Test the Space Equip the Space
ID the SPACE Is it a Confined Space? Permit or Non-Permit?
PERMIT the SPACE Follow Permit Guidelines (see permit) Names and Signatures of Team Name and Signature of Supervisor
ISOLATE the SPACE “DE-ENERGIZE” (mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic, gravity, pressure, etc.) “BIG FIVE” PROCEDURES 1- Permit 2- Hot Work 3- LOTO 4- Confined Space Entry 5- Linebreak (Purge)
VENTILATE the SPACE Mechanical Ventilation before and after Testing During Entry
TEST the SPACE Monitor for Oxygen (19.5%-23.5%) Monitor for LEL Test for other Contaminants Test at ALL LEVELS!
EQUIP the SPACE Permits should list all equipment and tools necessary for Entry and Rescue
SUMMARY OSHA has a CS Standard because of the continuing fatalities in confined spaces. The biggest killer involving confined spaces is lack of knowledge. Education, a written plan, and enforcement of rules can eliminate confined space fatalities.