OBJECTIVE/ LANGUAGE OBJECTIVE SUBJECT (Week 4) Date: 6 - 9 Sept 2016 Room 45 – W. Martin MATH 6A – PER 2 & 5 SCIENCE/HEALTH – PER 4 & 6 B-Read Math Triumphs Math Intervention Period 3 DO NOW ACTIVITY Write down all the academic vocabulary on a 3 x 5 card and put the definition of the word on the back of card. Practice the flash cards with your shoulder partner. Make your foldable and make sure it has the Target Your Reading on page 77 and all Vocabulary words from Lesson 1 to 3 copied and defined. Read and Answer questions in Example 1 and 2 on Representing Fractions on page 19 to 20. OBJECTIVE/ LANGUAGE OBJECTIVE Students will be able to find the GCF and simplify fractions using academic vocabulary: products, factors, factor pairs, prime numbers, factors, prime factorization. Students will make a simple rock collection and label the rocks using academic vocabulary: mineral, density, rock, magma, lava, sediment, and rock cycle. Students will write the fraction represented by a drawing of parts of a figure; represent a given fraction by using drawings with academic vocabulary: fraction. STANDARDS Students will understand simplifying fractions, prime factorization, and patterns that show fractions and prime factors. Students will explore and construct a simple rock collection identifying minerals, Moh’s hardness, and rock properties: hardness, color, streak and luster, cleavage and fracture. Students will make models that represents fractions. ESSENTIAL QUESTION What patterns can I find using products, factors, and factor pairs? What are items found in your home or school that is made up of minerals or rocks? How do you write a fraction that represents a unit of one? HOMEWORK Copy and Answer questions in CPM Section 1.2.1 and 1.2.4, pages 27 to 46. Copy and answer all the questions at the end of Lesson 2. 1 to 9, page 101. Do the mini lab on page 93 on Mineral Identification by Property. Copy and answer questions 1 to 41, pages 19 to 25 in your Math Triumphs work book 2A. TEST You will have ten questions from Brain Pop, “Factoring”. Practice the test in Review mode and do the Game Up activities on the computer. Your test will be the ten questions on Brain Pop called “Types of Rocks”. Your test will be Standards Practice 1, problems 1 to 10, pages 30 and 31. SPECIAL EVENTS I will check your Syllabus to see if your parents are signing it and you are putting your grades on it. You will go to the Science Lab and see a Rock and Mineral collection. We will do a Kagan activities this week called Inside/Outside Circle and Four Corners.