1 Road to Revolution Ohio River Valley What is the Ohio River Valley? What was the problem/conflict? Who was involved in the conflict? French and Indian War of 1754 What was the French and Indian War of 1754? How Long did the War last? Results of the War: Summarize Area of land between the Appalachian Mts and Mississippi River. Both Britain and France claimed this chunk of land French and Indian War of 1754 French, British, and few Natives helping out the French The result of the struggle between the French and the British to claim ownership over the Ohio River Valley. 7 years. 1754 to 1761. George Washington’s name become known Colonists gain fighting experience British WIN Ohio River Valley Colonist created a HUGE war debt $$$ that would later have to be repaid. In your own words the cause and outcome of the French and Indian War
2 Road to Revolution STAMP ACT Proclamation of 1763 What was the Proclamation of 1763? What was the issue with the Proclamation of 1763? What was the King’s reaction to colonists’ feelings? STAMP ACT Why did the King create the tax? Colonial Reaction: King’s Counter Move: Solution created by the King to keep the Indians and settlers from fighting Drew an imaginary line down the Appalachian Mts. English stay East. Natives stay West. Colonist saw it as an act of tyranny and betrayal. Colonists believed they won the right to settle that land and now their king is siding with the enemy?? Sent 7,500 troops to maintain “peace” among the colonists. This really ticked the colonists off. King felt as if he needed to teach his English subjects in the colonies a lesson—he must be obeyed no matter what. After all, he is the king, and the colonists should remember their place. Tax only colonist had to pay. Tax on ALL paper goods. Must repay the war debt from the French and Indian War. Unfair!! TAXATION W/O REPRESENTATION Colonists are not represented in Parliament. They had no say in their government Colonists = petitions / protests / Stamp Act Congress Repealed tax but passed Declaratory Act—stating Parliament has total control over colonies.
3 Road to Revolution TOWNSHEND ACTS QUARTERING ACT Reaction Colonial Reaction TOWNSHEND ACTS Ordered colonist to house, feed, and supply British troops stationed in the colonies. Saw this as a tax—Cost them lots of money in extra food, soap, firewood etc. Colonists Taxation W/O Representation….AGAIN!! Bullying!! Protests and non compliance!! This was punishment for the colonists refusing the Quartering Act. Soldiers were sent to the colonies to “babysit”. The colonist must pay for these troops. Quartering! Taxes on ALL imported goods from Great Britain. Allowed Writs of Assistance —gave British officials the right to enter anyone’s home and search without saying what they were looking for. Colonists (even loyalists) boycotted all imported goods. Kick ‘em where it counts—in the wallet. Boston Massacre: Fighting broke out between Bostonians and British Soldiers. Misunderstanding. 5 people dead! Colonist use this to gain more support against the British soldiers who are stationed in the colonies. Parliament repeals Townshend Acts. King angry!
4 Road to Revolution REBELLION CONTINUES Boston Tea Party 1775 What caused the Tea Party? What was the Tea Act? KING’S PUNISHMENT Intolerable Acts How did the colonist react to the Intolerable Acts? WAR 1ST BATTLE LEXINGTON/ CONCORD Colonist (Sons of Liberty) disguised as Natives threw tea off a British ship in the Boston harbor, after being forced to buy taxed tea. Tea Act gave way to protests. Tax place on tea, to save the East Indies Co. So, the colonist boycotted British tea, and bought from the Dutch. Boston’s punishment for misbehaving (Boston Massacre/Boston Tea Party). Closed Boston’s harbor down to trade Placed Massachussettes under British Control Those accused faced trial IN BRITAIN. ALL colonies began to unite as one against Britain 1st Continental Congress met – 12 other colonies met to decide what to do about Boston. Congress created a militia. APRIL 1775 “SHOT HEARD ‘ROUND THE WORLD” Colonist stole Ammo. British come to find it. British LOSE.
5 Road to Revolution Stamp Act of 1765 Quartering Act of 1765 11st Battle of the Revolutionary War – Lexington & Concord 1st Continental Congress Meets – formed militia Proclamation of 1763 Townshend Act of 1767 Intolerable Acts of 1774 French & Indian War of 1754 Boston Massacre Ohio River valley Tea Act of 1773 Boston Tea Party 1774
Road to Revolution