The Louisiana Purchase
I. The West in 1800 A) In 1800 when Americans said the “West”, they meant the land between the Appalachian Mtns. and the Mississippi River.
B) By 1803 the U.S. had 3 new states: Kentucky, Tennessee, and Ohio.
C) The U.S.’s western border was the Mississippi River. D) The Louisiana Territory was the region between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mtns.
E) Three other nations had settlements in the West along the Pacific Coast, they were: Spain, Russia, and Great Britain.
II. Napoleon and New Orleans A). Napoleon was the leader of France. B) New Orleans was important because it was a strategic port. C) New Orleans was first owned by France. They gave it to Spain. In a secret treaty it was given back to France.
D) Thomas Jefferson asked to buy it. E) The French offered to sell the whole Louisiana Territory.
III. The Louisiana Purchase A) France sold it to us because: They were alarmed by America’s determination to keep the port of New Orleans open The revolt of French colonies in the West Indies. 3. The needed the money to fund a costly war with Great Britain.
B) Thomas Jefferson Wasn’t sure if a President could buy land. 2. He convinced himself that he could because he saw the country as a nation of small farmers and this would give us land. C) It cost $15 million dollars, 3 cents per acre.
IV. Lewis and Clark Explore the Northern Section of the Louisiana Purchase A) The expedition was first called the Corps of Discovery. B) They left in 1803 and spent the winter in St. Louis. C) In May 1804, they headed up the Missouri River.
D) Their job was to: 1. Explore the Missouri River 2. Find an all water route to the West 3. Establish good relations with the Native Americans 4. Describe the landscape, plants, and animals they saw
E) They were lucky to have help. York: Clark’s African American slave that had good hunting skills b. Sacagawea: Native American Woman that had good language skills and a knowledge of geography
F) They journeyed to the Columbia River, which leads to the Pacific Ocean. G) In 1805, they reached the Pacific Coast. H) The results of their trip were: 1. Scientific and geographic information 2. that an all water route across the continent did not exist
V. Pike Explore the Southern Section of the LA Purchase A) Pike’s Mission was to find the source of the Arkansas and Red Rivers. B) He left in 1806.
C) He and two dozen men headed across the Great Plains and followed the Arkansas River to the Rocky Mtns. Then they turned south looking for the Red River. D) They ended up in Spanish Territory and were arrested. Later they were released and returned to the United States.
F) Results of his trip: Valuable description of the Great Plains 2. Valuable description of the Rio Grande River Valley
II. Effects of the Exploration A) Accurate maps B) Growth of fur trade C) Mistaken view of the Great Plains (Pike described it as a desert) D) Scientific and Geographical information about the territory