The Christmas story!
Once Upon a time, a very long time ago A young girl called Mary was visited by An angle. He told her god wanted her to have a very special baby , and that she Was to call the baby Jesus.
A little while later, Mary was married to Joseph A little while later, Mary was married to Joseph. Even though she was going to have her baby very soon, they had to make a long journey to a little town called Bethlehem to pay tax.
When they arrived in Bethlehem, there were so many people there already that Joseph couldn't find anywhere for them to stay . Poor Mary!. Finally a kind inn-keeper told Joseph that they could stay in his stable with the animals.
Joseph and Mary settled down and there ,among the animals, Mary had her baby! They wrapped Little Jesus up Warm and settled him into a manger filled with straw,as they had no cradle in the stable.