Topics Objective Branding New Features and Functions Enhanced Features and Functions
Website Objective To provide a platform in which Georgia residents can explore career and college options.
Branding Also mention GCIS and GCIS Junior are a part of GAfutures as well. Mention GAfutures is free for all users
Branding Emphasis that the site is for all users and how they can use this site to make career and college decisions
New Features and Functions GaCollege411 used multiple accounts to log-in
Account Access Single account sign in for access to all areas of the website SURFER, STARS, Transcript Exchange, Admin Center GaCollege411 used multiple accounts to log-in
Create a new account Streamlined new account creation process Fewer required fields This is for those people who did not have a GAcollege411 or GCIS account. Emphasize the required fields are marked with a red asterisk
Have an existing account? Enter your Username and Password If you already have an account, sign in using your existing username and password
Have an existing account? Username and Password retrieval
Forgot Username? Your Institutional Admin at your school or organization can also reset your username or password.
Forgot Password? Your Institutional Admin at your school or organization can also reset your username or password.
My GAfutures Overview Page My GAfutures includes messaging, profile management and administrative functions Emphasize the Help button
Enhanced Features and Functions
Transcript Exchange/GPA Processing Calculated once a day Transcripts printed one at a time HOPE GPA will calculate multiple times a day Transcripts printed in batches Administrators contacted GSFC to manage admin & students accounts Administrators manage admin & student accounts Currently calculate once a day at night. Now will do 3 times per day Currently can only print one student at a time Weren’t able to do this before In the past had to call us to delete transcripts
Enhanced Features and Functions Admin
Explore Careers General Management Admin Portals Emphasize that Bridge Reporting is in one location
Explore Careers Emphasize that Bridge Reporting is in one location
BRIDGE Reporting Emphasize that Bridge Reporting is in one location
CCRPI Reporting Emphasize how elementary school teachers can use the site to report their CCRPI data (elementary school teachers are new to our site)
Other Reporting Emphasize how all other reports can be generated from this menu
Portfolios and Grouping Emphasize viewing and hiding portfolios Emphasize grouping
Checklists Emphasize how to customize the Course Planner Emphasize how to customize the checklist (i.e. BRIDGE requirements)
Explore Careers General Management Admin Portals Emphasize that Bridge Reporting is in one location
General Management SURFER/STARS Emphasize that Bridge Reporting is in one location
CREATE ACCOUNT & BATCHING ACCOUNTS General Management CREATE ACCOUNT & BATCHING ACCOUNTS Emphasize that Bridge Reporting is in one location
EDIT ACCOUNT & USERNAME/PASSWORD General Management EDIT ACCOUNT & USERNAME/PASSWORD RECOVERY Emphasize that Bridge Reporting is in one location
New Features and Functions Students
Benefits of Explore Careers Assist students with BRIDGE & CCRPI activities Age appropriate for K-12 and postsecondary Help improve high school college and career goals Help high school students prepare for postsecondary education Help Georgia residents prepare for career opportunities Involve students and parents in the educational process
Explore Careers Two Versions: Junior: Recommended for elementary and middle school students Regular: Recommended for middle school, high school and post secondary students
Explore Careers Junior Version Emphasize that Junior is simplified and at a lower reading level
Explore Careers Junior Version Who Am I? Emphasize the BRIDGE requirements
Explore Careers Junior Version Where Am I Going? Emphasize the BRIDGE requirements
Explore Careers Junior Version How Do I Get There? Emphasize the BRIDGE requirements
Explore Careers Junior Version Career Portfolio
Explore Careers Regular Version
Explore Careers Regular Version Plan Your Future
Explore Careers Regular Version Assessments Emphasize the BRIDGE requirements
Explore Careers Regular Version Occupations Emphasize the BRIDGE requirements
Explore Careers Regular Version Education & Financial Aid Emphasize the BRIDGE requirements
Explore Careers Regular Version Employment
Explore Careers Regular Version My Career Portfolio
Contact Us 1.800.724.9000
To promote and increase access to education beyond high school for Georgians. To be the premier provider of student financial aid and educational services for Georgians.