What’s in the box? Autumn Term 2016


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Presentation transcript:

What’s in the box? Autumn Term 2016 LEARNING GUIDE FOR THE UPPER FOUNDATION STAGE - RECEPTION Personal, Social and Emotional Development Classroom rules Bonfire night safety Say no to bullying (Anti-bullying week) Comparing toys for a baby to now What do I need to keep my body clean? Understanding the World RE Exploring the class value ‘friendship’ and linking it to the story ‘The Good Samaritan’ Judaism – linked to Shabbat celebrations Special People Christmas Story Communication and Language Listening & attention Listen to stories, rhymes and songs To listen to stories with increasing attention and recall Speaking & Understanding Retell a simple story Understand and ask who? What? Where? in simple questions. To talk in simple sentences. Understanding the World The world To learn about new and old toys and how they have changed over time. To learn about how toys move (are they push? Are they pulled?) Technology To create firework pictures on the computer & Ipad Explore how Beebots & remote control cars move People and communities Learning about different occupations/Special People Christmas Story Mathematics Learn number rhymes and songs To find numbers in the environment To learn about time e.g. morning, afternoon, evening Writing numerals 0-9 Counting up to 10 objects and above Exploring & naming 2D shapes Money- coin recognition Pictograms - fireworks Tally charts – favourite toys Patterns What’s in the box? Autumn Term 2016 Literacy Reading To repeat words and phrases from familiar stories. To fill in missing words in stories and rhymes Class to read ‘Kippers Toy Box’ by Mick Inkpen and a series of books by Ian Whybrow (Harry and his bucketful of Dinosaurs Writing To make marks and add meaning Practice curly caterpillar letters in different mediums e.g. foam, rice – a, c, o, d, g, q, e, s, f To write labels for the toy shop (initial and final sounds) To practise writing their name Physical Development Moving & Handling Practising small and large anti-clockwise, circles, waves and zig zag movements Forming curly caterpillar letters correctly using a variety of media Developing pencil grip by holding a pencil using ‘froggy fingers’. Developing gross motor skills using ‘Real PE’ To pracise developing control over objects e.g. To catch & throw a large ball at a target Health and Self care To begin to put on their coat with some support Use different equipment & tools carefully and safely Expressive Arts and Design To create Christmas decorations using different media To learn how to join materials to make a models To learn how to mix colours for printing To learn new songs relating to Bonfire night, numbers and Christmas (pitch – low/high) To recognise the song ‘Step into Christmas’ by Sir Elton John (cultural pathway)

ST. ANN’S C.E. PRIMARY SCHOOL AND NURSERY CENTRE SCHOOL ADDRESS Lathom Avenue Warrington WA2 8AL SCHOOL TELEPHONE 01925 632210 Email – stanns_primary@warrington.gov.uk Please let us know as soon as possible if your child is unable to come to school for any reason. SCHOOL INFORMATION   School HOURS 8.55am – 3.10pm   HEAD TEACHER Mrs K. Keen   CHAIR OF GOVERNING BODY Reverend Shirley Cowan RECEPTION TEAM Class Teachers Mrs Thompson Mrs Murray Teaching Assistants Miss Nicholson & Miss Stockton. Mrs Knight, Mrs Zubairi & Miss Nunnerley. SCHOOL DATES School starts back – Holidays Half term- Finish on Friday 14th October – Back in school on Monday 31st October. Christmas holidays - Finish on Wednesday 21st December – Back in school on Tuesday 3rd January. For all other dates and events please refer to the school Newsletter REGULAR EVENTS DURING THE WEEK Monday- Snack money. £1.20 in an envelope please Literacy Homework & Spellings sent home Wednesday - PE Friday- Celebration assembly 9:15am in school hall Maths Homework sent home PE bags to be left in school and book bags to be brought to school everyday. THINGS YOU CAN DO TO HELP YOUR CHILD AT HOME Naming colours, counting and recognising numbers 1-10 and beyond. Listen to your child read and practice words and sounds daily. Encourage your child to speak confidently in a sentence. Teach them to put their coat on and off, plus get changed for PE. Play “I spy” and read words in public places e.g. “danger” “Tesco” etc. Help them to write their name-forming letters correctly. We are aware that some children may be able to do many of these targets already. All children will be moved along the learning curve and level of play at their own rate . Remember to ask if you have any queries. CULTURAL PATHWAY Author – Nick Butterworth Composer – Sir Elton John Artist – Vincent Van Gough SCHOOL VISITS Walk around the school and to the local park Visit from Percy the Park Keeper