e-Personnel file: Project update L. Lockwood HR-CB-MI
eFiles progress update Demo Next steps
eFiles was launched: May 4th 2015 In HR to: - Records Office - Recruitment Unit - HR Co-ordinators (FELL, TECH, DOCT, etc.) - Benefits & Classification Sections - Large majority of NEW personnel files = electronic - Incl. new Staff e-personnel files - PJAS not yet integrated HR Processes: - Being aligned/streamlined - Moving to electronic only wherever possible Process streamline – e.g. all initial contracts now made by Prog. Co-ords or Recruitment Unit (not RO)
Latest updates: eFiles regularly updated with new functionality Download documents as zip file Delete document permission (currently only given to Records Office) Rotation of documents and records Limit uploads to PDF’s only Met with WHO to discuss doc and records management
All new e-files RU Member/ HR Co-ordinator Records Office Admin. e-Personnel file Benefits/Classification
Improvements: Demo less walking around with heavy files less / no printing! more secure files more accessible files streamlined processes = gains in effectiveness Demo
Feedback from GTPA “make it lively” Searches – on people in your depts., by name Pre-defined searches – not yet implemented, on the to-do list) Archiving paper/eFiles – defining retention schedules Electronic signatures – implemented Editing docs – not done in eFiles, but can be done in EDH Complex access rights – being implemented, due for release later in 2015 Easy interfacing with Oracle LiveView/EDH/HRT Filemaker PAFs – get rid of them (ePAFs?) https://devefiles.cern.ch/share
Next steps in 2015: - get paper files scanned? https://devefiles.cern.ch/share
15,000 highly complex, paper personnel files Need for a CERN Record Mgmt expert 5 options: identify all documents (expensive) just ‘key’ documents 2 PDFs per person 1 PDF per person leave old files on paper… (cheapest option) 10x more expensive to scan everything Error prone Do we need all paper files scanned? Gestform = 136 500,00 € EDM = £77,695.00
Next steps in 2015: - extend eFiles access + reach https://devefiles.cern.ch/share
DAO HRA Checks PAF is ok Creates a memo x2 Creates paper PAF: - Signed by DH + DPO - Sends to future DH + signed - Sends to future HRA - Sends to current HRA Sends to HRA Assist. HRA Assist. Records Office Admin. Staff member HRA Checks all ok Takes to HRA Updates Oracle HR Creates 4x Contract Amendment Sends 4x Amendment to HRA Assist. + paper file Oracle HR Checks all ok, signs 4x copies Takes back to HRA Assist. + paper file Takes paper file + PAF + amendments back to Rec. Off. Records Office Admin. x2 Dispatches 4x contract amendments An example of a process where a person is changing org unit – to improve! Staff member DAO
Next steps in 2015: Extend eFiles to all HR: Frontline and DHO Review all contract amendments Make electronic-only! e-signatures on all amendments Process evaluation + streamlining department-wide Put all EDH docs in eFiles Overcome issue with attachments Extend access to DAOs, FP, User’s Office In parallel: generic e-PAFs Yael: change organic unit e-PAF? https://devefiles.cern.ch/share