New Clifton Repair Shop Community Outreach
New Clifton Repair Shop Project Overview Staten Island, NY Clifton Shop suffered severe damage due to Sandy as it sits approx. 250’ away from the shore line. The Shop lost its facade facing the shore (now blocked with wood sheathing), Con Ed power, DC stinger system, Telephone / Data lines, etc. The Shop floor was completely flooded. The purpose of the proposed project is to replace an existing facility with one that is more resistant to flood damage and therefore reducing the risk to both the structures and employees at the facility during intense storms. This will allow for a more rapid restoration of rail service and reduce the social cost of restoring transit service after a flood event. There are 4 buildings that make up the existing Clifton Shop. The tallest one stands at a height of approximately 35ft while the rest are one story high (<35ft). The New Clifton Shop will be consolidated into one building of approximately 45ft high with the exception of the administration portion of the building, which will be approximately 65ft high. New Clifton Repair Shop Project Overview Staten Island, NY DEMO - 1 DEMO - 2
Existing Clifton Shop Location Map
Rendering of New Clifton Repair Shop (subject to change)
Land Use and Zoning Existing rail yard will remain a rail yard Taller building with a smaller horizontal (aerial) footprint SIR Railway acts as a buffer Area was rezoned in 2006 from M3-1 (manufacturing) to C4-2A (contextual commercial) Although MTA is exempt from zoning and many local laws, MTA is doing a zoning analysis Height and Setback requirements will be analyzed (see slides 6 and 7) The building height (approx. 65ft) will be below the maximum height (70ft) allowed in the zone. NYCT will build sidewalks (currently non-existing) at the Shop entrance according to NYC DOT specifications and plans. Front Street will remain the same width and there will be no impact on thru traffic. All improvements will be on NYCT property.
Existing and Proposed Elevation
Zoning Setbacks
. Installation of backflow valves in stormwater systems will reduce the volume of flood water exposed to pollutants within the shop. The net impact on flood drainage will be approximately neutral Existing stormwater and sanitary systems replicate some of the drainage function of natural floodplains and will continue to do so upon completion of the project The proposed impervious area is smaller than the existing. This is demonstrated in the following drawings, A- SK-001 and A-SK-002. The first drawing highlights the Existing Site Plan Impervious Paving. The second drawing highlights the Proposed Site Plan Impervious Paving. Existing Impervious Paving: approximately 104,675 sq ft Proposed Impervious Paving: approximately 94,705 sq ft The new Clifton Shop will have a smaller horizontal footprint, displacing slightly less water in an event of a flood. Floodplain Impacts
Existing Site Plan Impervious Paving
Proposed Site Plan Impervious Paving
Public Involvement Regarding Floodplains USDOT Order 5650.2 (7) requires an opportunity for the public to comment on a proposed floodplain encroachment prior to implementation NYCT seeks to notify and solicit input from residents living or owning businesses near the project at this time. A formal public information presentation will take place in mid –September, 2017. The exact date and location will be announced once it has been determined. All written comments must be submitted no later than October 23, 2017 by 5 p.m. Comments received after that date will not be considered. All comments will be addressed. To submit comments online, please include the project name as the subject. For additional details, visit or send comments via postal mail to: Attn: Angelo Elmi, Re: New Clifton Repair Shop Project MTA New York City Transit, 2 Broadway, Room B5.14 New York, NY 10004 Public Involvement Regarding Floodplains