66 items – 70% of circulated products THE TREATY ON THE EURASIAN ECONOMIC UNION of May 29, 2014 Establishment and application of mandatory requirements to products in technical regulations Establishment of a single procedure of conformity assessment Voluntary application of standards Eurasian Conformity Article 51 General principles of technical regulation Article 52 Technical Regulations and Standards of the Union Article 53 Circulation of Products and Enforcement of Technical Regulations Article 54 Accreditation Article 55 Elimination of Technical Barriers in Mutual Trade with Third Countries Appendix 9 Protocol on Technical Regulation Appendix 10 Protocol on Agreed Policy for Ensuring Uniformity of Measurements Appendix 11 Protocol on Recognition of Results of Accreditation of Conformity Assessment Authorities 66 items – 70% of circulated products 42 EAEU TRs are adopted 35 CU TRs are enforced 18 projects of EAEU TRs are under drafting 27 amendments to CU TRs are under drafting more than 11 000 documents in Lists of Standards more than 500 000 of Single certificates of conformity more than 2,0 million of Single forms of declarations of conformity
NEW TECHNICAL REGULATIONS OF THE UNION 2 NEW TECHNICAL REGULATIONS OF THE UNION From January 1, 2018 EAEU TR "Requirements for liquefied petroleum gases for their use as fuel" (EAEU TR 036 /2016) Decision of the EEC Council No. 68 dated August 9, 2016 From March 1, 2018 EAEU TR "On Restrictions of the Use of Dangerous Substances in Electrotechnical and Radioelectronical Devices" (EAEU TR 037/2016) From April 18, 2018 Decision of the EEC Council No. 113 dated October 18, 2016 EAEU TR "On Safety of Attractions" (EAEU TR 038/2016) Decision of the EEC Council No. 114 dated October 18, 2016 From September 1, 2017 EAEU TR "On Safety of Fish and Fishery Products“ (EAEU TR 040/2016) Decision of the EEC Council No. 162 dated October 18, 2016 From June 2, 2021 EAEU TR "On Requirements for Mineral Fertilizers" (EAEU TR 039/2016) Decision of the EEC Council No. 150 dated November 30, 2016 From June 2, 2021 EAEU TR "On Safety of Chemical Products"(EAEU TR 041/2017) Decision of the EEC Council No. 19 dated March 3, 2017 From August 17, 2018 EAEU TR "On safety of equipment for children's playgrounds"(EAEU TR 042/2017) Decision of the EEC Council No. 21 dated May 17, 2017
DEVELOPMENT OF UNIFIED REQUIREMENTS 3 Adopted at the session of the EEC Council on October 18, 2016 Procedure for the development, adoption, amendment and cancellation of technical regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union Amendments in the Decision No. 48 of the EEC Council dated June 20, 2012 Amendments No. 147 dated 18.10.2016 Procedure for the development and adoption of lists of standards to the EAEU TR Implementation of the Treaty on the EAEU; Higher transparency taking into account WTO principles; Requirements based on international and regional standards; Introduction of the institute for assessment of the regulatory impact at the level of the Commissions of EAEU TR and lists of standards To replace Decision of the EEC Board No. 306 dated December 25, 2012 Amendments No. 161 dated 18.10.2016 More interested parties in the development of the EAEU TR and Lists of Standards
34 Lists of Standards to the TR 32 Standardization Programs Standards are the main tool for the implementation of technical regulations 4 2093 standards Republic of Belarus 415 GOSTs Russian Federation 1,435 GOSTs Republic of Kazakhstan 243 GOSTs 10 based on EEC UN documents 175 based on EN documents 181 based on ISO documents 188 based on IEC documents 34 Lists of Standards to the TR 32 Standardization Programs Development of new and innovative products Ensuring higher quality of products, incl. for import substitution Improvement of tools for the implementation of the EAEU TR taking into account business and consumers’ needs, current economy and technology state
ENSURANCE OF UNIFORMITY OF MEASUREMENTS IS THE TOOL OF ENSURING SAFETY OF PRODUCTS Article 51 of the Treaty on the EAEU and Annex №10 Coordinated policy of ensuring the uniformity of measurements Application of adopted units of measurements 10 Inter-laboratory comparative tests (inter-laboratory comparisons) Metrological examination of draft technical regulations of the EAEU and draft lists of standards for EAEU TRs Setting up the mechanisms of mutual recognition of results of activities ensuring the uniformity of measurements Based on IOLM (International Organization of Legal Metrology) principles, CIS agreements Verification procedure for measurement equipment Validation procedure for the measurement methods adopted as a reference method Type approval procedure for reference materials Type approval procedure for measuring instruments Mutual recognition of the results of activities ensuring the uniformity of measurements Information exchange
CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT IS A NECESSARY TOOL FOR TECHNICAL REGULATION 6 CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT IS A NECESSARY TOOL FOR TECHNICAL REGULATION State registration Certification Declaring with the help of a third Party Declaring on the basis of own evidences Standard schemes are developed based on: laws of the EAEU Member States using international experience (Guideline ISO/IEC 67) and approaches adopted in the EU (Decision No. 768/2008/EU) harm risk level Conformity assessment forms, processes and procedure shall be determined in technical regulations of the Union on the basis of standard conformity assessment procedures
Single form of certificate of Single form of certificate of the type UNIFIED FORMS OF DOCUMENTS ON CONFORMITY ASSURANCE EEC Board Decision No. 293 dated 25.12.2012 EEC Board Decision No. 293 dated 25.12.2012 Single form of certificate of conformity Single form of declaration of conformity Single form of Product State Registration Certificate in accordance with the CU TR Single form of certificate of the type (CU TR "On Safety of Equipment Operating under Manometric Pressure") Single form of certificate of the type (CU TR "On Safety of Machines and Equipment") Single form of the certificate of tests of lifting chains (CU TR "On Safety of Machines and Equipment") EEC Board Decision No. 299 dated 28.05.2010 (as amended by the Decision No. 82 dated 02.12.2015) EEC Board Decision No. 81 dated 09.04.2013 EEC Board Decision No. 265 dated 18.11.2013 EEC Board Decision No. 75 dated 09.04.2013
Single Register of Certificates of Conformity Issued and Declarations of Conformity Registered Information on issued or accepted documents on conformity assessment for products: - included in the Single list of products subject to mandatory conformity assessment (confirmation) in the Customs Union with the issuance of single documents approved by Decision of the CU Commission No. 620 dated April 7, 2011; - for which the technical regulation of the Union has been effected, are introduced in the Single Register of certificates of conformity issued and declarations of conformity registered Creation and keeping of the list shall be maintained in the order established by Decision of the CU Commission dated June 18, 2010 No. 319 (Appendix 2)
EAC stands for Eurasian Conformity Products Marking Products complying with requirements of the relevant technical regulations of the Union and having passed conformity assessment procedure set by technical regulations of the Union shall bear the unified mark of circulation of products in the market of the Union Marking with a unified mark of circulation is performed prior to the release of the products to the Union market. Image of the unified mark of circulation of products in the Union market and the procedure of its application were approved by Decision of the Customs Union Commission No. 711 dated July 15, 2011 EAC stands for Eurasian Conformity
National Accreditation Systems Harmonisation of rules and approaches in the field of accreditation with international standards ISO/IEC 17000 series Accreditation – mechanism of trust assurance harmonization of requirements for experts creation of national registries of experts ensuring equal level of competences for conformity assessment bodies increasing reliability of the results of conformity assessment increasing responsibility of experts and organizations carrying out conformity assessment Accreditation systems should ensure: reliable confirmation of competences of its participants, unified approaches to assessment of the correctness of the mandatory requirements implementation
INTEGRATION IN THE FIELD OF TECHNICAL REGULATION Increasing the level of safety of circulated products On the rules and procedures to ensure safety and circulation of products, the requirements for which are not established by the Technical Regulations of the Eurasian Economic Union Application of equivalent approaches to surveillance on the market On the principles and approaches to the harmonisation of legislation of EAEU member states in the area of state control (surveillance) over compliance with EAEU Technical Regulations Products circulated on the EAEU market 1 Not included into ЕPP Free circulation Included into ЕPP Approved by EAEU TR Included into ЕPP National requirements Based on Directive 2001/95/EU 2 Within the Union Ensuring control/supervision functions based on unified rules and approaches Risk-oriented approach Information system for food safety Control/supervision for products released into circulation and already in circulation, as well as relevant manufacturing processes Based on EU Regulations No. 765/2008 Draft international agreements are developed by the Working groups consisting of specialists from authorized bodies, industry representatives, and business community
INTEGRATION IN THE FIELD OF TECHNICAL REGULATION 12 Creation of mechanisms for the elimination of technical barriers to trade with third countries 3 On the procedure and conditions for removal of technical barriers to mutual trade with third countries compliance of the products with the EAEU TR (in the territory of the EAEU) and legal requirements of a third country (in the territory of the third country) mutual recognition of the results of conformity assessment by the member states and the third country availability of an authorized accreditation body in a third country definition of equivalence for procedures of accreditation and conformity assessment including through mutual comparative assessments definition of equivalence for mandatory requirements Based on WTO principles Draft international agreements are developed by the Working groups consisting of specialists from authorized bodies, industry representatives, and business community
Cooperation perspectives: INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION IN THE FIELD OF THE TECHNICAL REGULATION International and regional organizations: Memorandum between the Eurasian Economic Commission and the Eurasian Economic Commission and the Eurasian Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification Memorandum of Understanding between the Eurasian Economic Commission and the International Electrotechnical Commission Roadmap for cooperation on technical regulation and standardization Cooperation perspectives: International Standardization Organization Euro-Asian Cooperation of National Metrological Institutions European Committee for Standardization European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization
INFORMATION COOPERATION The Technical Regulation and Accreditation Department Answers to topical questions www.eurasiancommission.org