The Development of Photography
Joseph Nicephore Niépce 1765-1833
A camera obscura belonging to Niépce
Joseph Nicephore Niépce “View from the Window at Le Gras” June/July 1826
William Henry Fox Talbot, 1800-1877
“Oriel Window, Lacock Abbey, Wiltshire” August, 1835 William Henry Fox Talbot
Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre
“Boulevard du Temple, Paris” 1838
David Cornelius – Self Portrait 1839
Mathew Brady
Abraham Lincoln, New York, February 27, 1860
On the Antietam Battlefield – Matthew Brady 1862
John Wilkes Booth, c. 1865
The Development of Moving Pictures
Eadweard Muybridge Horse 1878
Thomas Edison The Sneeze 1894
August & Louis Lumière First Film 1895
Georges Méliès Voyage Dans La Lune 1902
In My Merry Oldsmobile In My Merry Oldsmobile is a popular song from 1905. The film was created as an Oldsmobile advertisement in 1931, showing a car from the early 20th century. Cartoon
New Technologies
1861 safety elevator/Otis 1891 escalator/Reno 1900 zeppelin/Zeppelin 1862 machine gun/Gatling 1892 diesel engine/Diesel 1901 safety razor/Gillette 1863 cast-iron Capitol dome/Walter 1893 zipper/Judson 1902 air conditioner/Carrier 1866 dynamite/Nobel 1894 1st copyrighted film/The Sneeze 1903 crayons/Binney & Smith 1868 air brakes/Westinghouse 1896 rubber heel/O'Sullivan 1904 teabags/Sullivan 1872 mail-order catalog/Ward 1898 roller coaster/Prescott 1905 theory of relativity/Einstein 1873 barbed wire/Glidden 1899 bicycle frame/ Johnson 1906 Cornflakes/Kellogg 1874 shoe welt sticher/Goodyear 1880 seismograph/Milne 1907 helicopter/Cornu 1876 telephone/Bell 1884 fountain pen/Waterman 1908 cellophane/Brandenberger 1877 cylinder phonograph/Edison cash register/Ritty 1909 instant coffee/Washington 1879 1st public display of electric lighting/Edison 1885 auto with internal-combustion engine/Benz 1910 talking motion picture/Edison cylinder lock/Yale gas-engine motorcycle/Daimler 1911 electrical ignition system automobile/Kettering traffic lights/Knight 1st Skycraper/Chicago 1912 motorized movie camera carpet sweeper/Bissell 1886 first four-wheeled motor vehicle/Daimler 1913 crossword puzzle/Wynne moving pictures/Muybridge Coca-Cola/Pemberton first radio transmission toilet paper/British Perforated Paper Company 1887 gramophone/Berliner polygraph machine/Mackenzie 1881 metal detector/Bell 1888 AC motor/Tesla Teddy Bear paper-strip photographic film/Eastman Kinetiscope/Edison neon light/Claude machine gun/Maxim vacuum flask/Dewar powered manned flight/Wright brothers dishwasher/Cochrane Juicy Fruit Gum/Wrigley windshield wipers/Anderson radar/Hertz radioactivity/Curie Model T first sold/Ford paper drinking straws/Stone motor-driven vacuum cleaner/Thurman geiger counter/Geiger & Muller 1889 matchbook/Pusey Life Savers/Crane