Public Meeting For Scoping Of An Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) For The Perham Resource Recovery Facility: Introductions Agenda Good evening, my name is Denise Leezer and I am the project manager assigned to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed expansion at the Olmsted-Waste-to-energy Facility. Other MPCA staff present this evening include: Dennis Becker, Air Dispersion Modeling Shelley Burman, Air Emission Risk Assessment Carolina Schutt, Air Quality Permitting Rich Sandberg, Section Manager, Industrial Division Olmsted County Staff Craig Diekvoss, Regulatory Compliance Coordinator Agendas for this evening’s meeting are located at the back of the room along with a sign-in sheet and a fact sheet discussing the EIS process. I will give a brief overview of the EIS process and Craig Diekvoss will give a brief overview of the proposed project. We will then open the meeting up for questions. After, we will again be available at the back of the room and in the room for one-to-one questions.
Purpose Of Scoping Meeting: Become Familiar With The Proposed Project And The Staff Become Familiar With The EIS Process Respond To Process-related Questions The purpose of the meeting this evening is: To help you become familiar with the proposed project and some of the staff working on the project To help you become familiar with the EIS process and opportunities during the process for the public to comment. And to help you become familiar with the documents currently available for your review. We will not be taking verbal comments or answering technical questions this evening, just answering process-related questions and taking written comments.
EIS Development Process FEIS revision DEIS preparation Scoping EIS public review Public meeting & comment period The First Step in the EIS Development Process is: SCOPING or deciding what impacts and alternatives will be covered by the EIS and the extent of effort and depth of analysis to be devoted to each topic. The next Step in process is the actual preparation of the EIS report. Notification that an EIS is being prepared will be published in the EQB Monitor A draft EIS, based on the work outlined in the Scoping Decision Document, will be prepared. After the draft EIS report has been prepared, there will be a 30-day public review period. The third step in the process is the preparation of a final EIS that includes a response to any comments received during the public comment period An additional two-week notice will be published in the EQB Monitor notifying the public that the final EIS has been prepared. And Finally: The MPCA Board will Determine if the EIS adequately evaluates the topics outlined in the final Scoping Decision Document Public meeting and comment period Notice of Final EIS availability EIS preparation notice MPCA Board Adequacy Determination Notice of Draft EIS availability Proposed EIS scope MPCA Board
EIS Scoping Process Scoping EAW Draft Scoping Decision Document Project Information Identify Potentially Significant Topics Draft Scoping Decision Document Topics to be Evaluated Describes Method for Evaluation The Scoping EAW uses the standard EAW form to provide information about the project and its setting in order to identify potentially significant environmental impacts. The Draft Scoping Document identifies the topics to be evaluated in the EIS and describes how those issues will be evaluated. The purpose is to scope – or narrow down the topics to be covered by the EIS to those most needed for the project decisions
Final Scoping Decision Document Narrow Down The Topics Adopted By The MPCA Board As The “Blueprint” For The EIS No Additional Information May Be Included. Once the comment period has ended, a final scoping document is prepared that includes a response to comments received, and the document is presented to the MPCA Board for a decision on the EIS scope. The final Scoping Decision Document is the basis for the work plan and cost estimates developed for the EIS. After the Scoping Decision Document is approved by the MPCA Citizen’s Board, it will be used as the “blueprint” for the EIS and no additional information may be included.
Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) Not An Approval Process Voluntary EIS for The Project Provide Information About The Potential Impacts And Mitigation The EIS is not a means to approve or disapprove a project, but simply a source of information to be used by permitting and other regulatory decision makers, when making their decisions. The MPCA is the Responsible Governmental Unit responsible for preparing an Environmental Impact Statement on the proposed expansion at the Olmsted Waste-To-Energy Facility. Although the proposed project, at a planned capacity of 200 tons per day of input, will not meet or exceed the threshold requiring the mandatory preparation of an EIS, Olmsted County has voluntarily agreed to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the proposed project instead of going through the more limited EAW process. The EIS will provide information about the extent of the potential impacts and how they may be avoided or minimized. It also discusses environmental and socio-economic issues
Written Comments Public Comment Period For Scope Of EIS Written Comments Must Be Received At The MPCA By 4:30pm, January 5, 2012. Kevin Kain, Environmental Review Unit, MPCA, 520 Lafayette Rd. N., St. Paul, MN 55155-4194 Fax (651) 297-2343 Or Kevin.kain@state.Mn.Us Submitted, in Writing, During the Tonight’s Meeting For development of the final scoping decision document, staff will consider written comments received during the comment period, including those written comments received at tonight’s meeting. Once the Board approves a final scoping document, again, no additional information may be included in the scope of the review and preparation of the actual EIS process begins. There are forms in the back of the room that may be used to provide comments or you may use your own paper. You may submit your comments in writing to MPCA staff this evening or mail/fax/e-mail them - to be received by 4:30pm on August 8, 2005 Please use the sign-in sheet provided at the back of the room if you would like to be included on the mailing list for this project.