OVERVIEW OF FUNGI CHARACTERISTICS CELL WALLS- made of chitin HAVE LARGE CELLS- containing many nuclei GROW BY- producing hyphae (long, thin filaments) CONTAIN- no chlorophyll DIGEST THEIR FOOD- before it is ingested
6. GROWS WELL IN- dark, warm, damp areas 7. REPRODUCES BY spores (a cell that develops into a new organism) 8. MOST ARE saprophytes- feed on dead organisms
9. DECOMPOSERS- break down complex substances into simple substances 9. DECOMPOSERS- break down complex substances into simple substances. Recycle nutrients in the ecosystem 10. SOME ARE PARASITES- live on or in living organisms 11. CLASSIFIED BY THE WAY THEY- reproduce and by their structure
Section 20.1 Summary – pages 529-534 The structure of fungi Germinating Spore Mycelium Spore Food Source Section 20.1 Summary – pages 529-534
1. MOLDS LACK crosswalls BETWEEN CELLS IN THE HYPHAE WATER MOLDS Cell walls made of cellulose Produce sexual spores (gametes) Produce spores asexually Type that destroyed the potato crop in Ireland in 1840s
B. TERRESTRIAL MOLDS Ex. bread mold Mycelium- “fuzz”, loose, tangled mass of hyphae Rhizoids- root like structures that anchor mold to its food Sporangia- spore cases on the end of reproductive hyphae Mold spores can cause allergic reactions
(yeast, cup fungi, lichen) 2. SAC FUNGI (yeast, cup fungi, lichen) SEXUAL REPRODUCTION- hyphae fuse, exchange of genes ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION- spores at tips of hyphae
A. YEAST- Has filaments, not hyphae Obtains energy through fermentation BUDDING (ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION)= part of cell forms new yeast
B. CUP FUNGI- Spores form on cup-like structure (fruiting body)
C. LICHENS= Fungus plus algae living in a symbiotic relationship Mutualism- a. ALGAE- makes food for fungus b. FUNGUS- provides water, carbon dioxide, and structure for algae
3. CLUB FUNGI (typical mushroom) BASIDIUM- the structure that produces the sexual spores
A. MUSHROOMS- made of many hyphae (branching filaments) CAP- umbrella-shaped structure of fruiting body SEXUAL REPRODUCTION- hyphae fuse and form new cell GILLS- underside of cap, basidia are on gills
B. RUSTS & SMUTS PARASITIC- cause plant diseases DON’T FORM- fruiting bodies HAVE sexual spores on basidia
4. IMPERFECT FUNGI DON’T reproduce sexually CAUSE human diseases EX: thrush, ringworm, athlete’s foot PRODUCE antibiotics- penicillin, discovered by Alexander Fleming (1928)
FUNGI REVIEW MOLDS – 2 Kinds: a. water molds – reproduce by spores made sexually (from gametes) and asexually b. Terrestrial molds – black fuzzy mold on bread SAC FUNGI – truffle, morel Yeast – get energy from fermentation Budding (reproduction) Reproduction : budding Cup Fungi – spores produced on fruiting body Lichen – green algae + sac fungi. Symbiotic relationship
CLUB FUNGI Mushrooms – cap, fruiting body Basidia on gills produce spores Rusts & Smuts – Parasitic. Cause plant diseases IMPERFECT FUNGI – Do not have a sexual reproductive cycle -Disease – Thrush, ringworm, source of penicillin -Green mold on bread, oranges, cheeses