College Planning Welcome
Introduction School Counselors, C. Ladd C. Dionne Guidance Secretary, T. Gunn College and Career Specialist, Ted Jones Capstone Coordinator, A. Boutillier
Agenda Introductions Application Process & Deadlines Naviance The Cost of College FAFSA, Service Learning, Job Shadows NCAA Eligibility,, 100% colleges, Capstone
Application Process Safety/Target/Reach School Building a College List Completed during senior seminar and before fee waivers will be released Common App Deadlines Senior Folders Resume Letters of Recommendation Senior Questionnaire Request two before summer vacation NCAA Eligibility Transcript Request Form
Common App
Welcome to Naviance Naviance is a web-based resource for students and parents that encourages and supports post high school career and college planning Family Connection is specific to our school Family Connection is linked with Naviance Succeed, a service that is used in School Counseling Application materials will be submitted using Naviance
Naviance Registration Connect to Naviance from SMSA website. Student and Family Sign in. Enter school zip code 06106. 4. On the new page, enter your registration number and click the “register” button. 5. When prompted, enter your user id- which is your email address. 6. Create a password (Note: WRITE DOWN YOUR USER ID AND PASSCODE) 7. Read the privacy statement and check the “I accept” box, when ready. 8. Click on “submit”
How Can I Use It? Career Planning College Planning Success Planning Learning Style Inventory, Interest Inventory, Personality Inventory, Resume Building College Planning College Search, Application Process, College Major Exploration, Scholarship/Financial Aid Resources Success Planning Personalized Goals and Tasks, Journal Entries, Student Planner
The Cost of College Have the Money Talk How much $ can parents afford to send to a college each month or each year? How much $ can the student provide from savings, summer jobs, work during the school year, etc? How much debt are you willing to incur? $20,000 Scholarships, Scholarships, Scholarships
STANDARD ROOM AND BOARD 2014-2015 Fall and Spring Terms Description Fall Term Spring Term Year Total Undergraduate Day4 $16,035 $32,070 SGA Fee $150 $300 Parking Fee (Can be waived) $130 $260 Commuter Total4 $16,315 $32,630 STANDARD ROOM AND BOARD Standard Room 1,3 $3,412.50 $6,825 Standard Meal Plans2 $2,705 $5,410 Standard Room5 $6,117.50 $12,235.00 Total Cost $44,865
Mr. Jones FAFSA available in October College Goal Sunday Service Learning 30 hours should be completed by end of summer Completion Form available on website Job Shadow Student Packet availbale on website
100% demonstrated need colleges Ms. Dionne NCAA Eligibility 100% demonstrated need colleges
Ms. Boutilier Capstone Graduation Requirement
Questions Question and Answer Time ?????????????
Contact Information Christine Ladd 860-695-6906 Christine Dionne 860-695-6960 Tracey Gunn 860-695-6907 Ted Jones 860-695-6916 Amy Boutilier 860-695-6954