Hellenistic Greece
Warm Up What characteristics make a good leader? Who is your favorite teacher? Does this teacher exhibit “good leader” characteristics? *In the following presentation, you only need to write what's written in RED.
Horrible Histories http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2xv30i As you watch the video, find out how old is Alexander?
How would the geography have influenced Macedonian trade? What major empire would have influenced Macedonian culture?
Alexander’s Empire on the year of his death
What does mean to be Hellenistic? Hellenistic - The blending of Greek cultures with those of Persia, Egypt, and Central Asia following the conquests of Alexander the Great. Question to Consider: What is an empire? Give the definition and explain how Alexander the Greats’ conquests apply.
Blending Cultures Best way to encourage cultural exchange is through marriage. Alexander married Roxana of Bactria and Stateira of Persia. He also did this to legitimize his claims to the Persian Empire. Roxana bore Alexander a posthumous son (child born after the death of a parent). She named the child Alexander IV; unfortunately, he never reaches adulthood because he was murdered in a political plot.
Painting of Alexander and Roxane’s wedding Why would intermarriage be important? Explain a motivation for Alexander to encourage intermarriage.
Blending Cultures Cont… Another great way to gain cultural exchange is through trade and education. When Egypt built the city of Alexandria the most important achievement was the Library of Alexandria, which contained information on: Philosophy Literature History Science Medicine
Life in the Hellenistic World What was the most significant change in Hellenistic society? Recall: the main political unit of Greece was the city-state. After Alexander conquers much of the known world the political unit switches to kingdoms.
Hellenistic Achievements Philosophy Cynicism- rejected the ideas of pleasure, wealth, and social responsibility. Instead, they should live according to nature. Withdrew from society. Many gave away possessions and became vagrants or wanderers. They were like homeless people in today’s society. Epicureans- sought out pleasure, developed close friendships with those that shared similar beliefs Pleasure- Good Pain- Bad or Evil Stoicism- placed emphasis on reason, self-discipline, emotional control, and personal morality.
Hellenistic Achievements cont… Art and Literature Art pieces conveyed emotion and movement. Nike of Samothrace was carved in a flowing style. Literature focuses on everyday lives.
Hellenistic Achievements cont… Write down five things you see in the picture. Compare to your elbow buddy.
Story time! I need four volunteers
Oedipus Rex By Sophocles The blind seer Teiresias tells the disbelieving king that he, Oedipus, is the murderer, and adds that Oedipus is living incestuously. Unimpressed, Queen Jocasta says an oracle said her husband, the old king, would be killed by their child, but that never happened since they abandoned the baby and her husband was killed by robbers at a crossroads. Oedipus begins to suspect that he was the abandoned baby; he killed a man on the road to Thebes, where he met and married Jocasta to become king. A messenger and a servant confirm the tale, and Jocasta hangs herself. Oedipus discovers her body and uses the pins of her brooches to stab out his own eyes. *Summarize the story in your notes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cj7R36s4dbM&list=PLmZUzFJgLlNv4J5Ct21Rv1EHZ6Jn9ot1h
Hellenistic Achievements cont… Science and Technology Euclid “Father of Geometry” Formulated many of the ideas about geometry that we still use today. Eratosthenes Calculated the size of the Earth Archimedes Great Inventor: compound pulley & Mechanical screw for drawing water
Who is the Father of Geometry? Aristotle Mozart Euclid Erastothenes [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]
This person is a great inventor. Sophocles Vivaldi Euclid Archimedes [Default] [MC Any] [MC All]
I am Poem Complete the I am Poem using information from your notes or in the book (look it up in the Index!)
More Horrible Histories Exit Ticket http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2xv30i Word association of Greece on a sticky note