Unit 1: Ancient Medicine


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 1: Ancient Medicine Prehistoric 10,000BC to 2000BC Egyptian 3500BC to 300BC Greeks 800BC to 146BC Romans 750BC to 146AD 10,000 BC 3500 BC 2000 BC 800 BC 750 BC 300 BC 146 BC YEAR 0 476 AD Jesus (0 to 33AD) Galen (ROMAN) (129AD to 200AD) Hippocrates (GREEK) (460BC to 370BC)

Unit 1: Ancient Medicine Checklist   PREHISTORIC: Evidence and its problems PREHISTORIC: Medical treatments PREHISTORIC: Why didn’t medicine improve EGYPTIAN: Benefits of civilisation EGYPTIAN: Medical treatments EGYPTIAN: Physiology and hygiene GREEKS: Asclepios and temple medicine GREEKS: The theory of the four humours and resulting treatments GREEKS: Hippocrates and the clinical method of observation GREEKS: Health and hygiene GREEKS: Developments in knowledge of anatomy and surgery at Alexandria ROMANS: Roman medicine and Greek ideas and doctors ROMANS: Galen’s ideas about physiology, anatomy and treatment ROMANS: The Romans and public health