Making Notes
Main point: - Why make notes? - How to make notes. - Strategies for making notes. - Shortcuts in note-making
Why make notes? A method for making notes. * Put your pen dawn - so you won’t be tempted to copy out of the book. * Read - to answer your own questions. * Identify and sum up the main ideas – hear them in your own words. * Jot down one or two words to remind you. * Note exactly where information comes from. * Note real names and quotations exactly as they are written. * Leave space to add details later.
Why taking notes? Useful Helps writing record Helps exam revision 1- Of important points for future use. 2- Of where the information comes from. Why taking notes? Useful record Helps writing Helps memory 1- If you focus on selecting info. to note. 2- If you think through where everything fits. Helps exam revision Helps understanding 1- Material is well organized. 2 - More info. Is already in memory 1- Summing things up briefly helps long-term memory. 2- The act of witting helps motor memory. 3- Pattern notes can be more memorable visually. 1- Helps ideas flow. 2- Helps planning. 3- Assists organization. 4- Helps you get started.
How to makes note? There is no one –best method- , but it is worth considering the following points, What do you need to note? Consider: Do you really need this information? If so, which one ? Will you really use it ? When, and how ? Have you noted similar information already ? What questions do you want to answer with this information ?
Strategies for making notes. Good not-making : general - Think before you write. - Keep notes brief. - Keep notes organized. - Use your own words. - Leave a wide margin and spaces – to add notes later. Unhelpful strategies : - Copying chunks and phrases. - Writing more notes than you can use again. - Writing out notes several times to make them neater. Useful strategies: - Note key words and main ideas. - Write phrases , note sentences - Use abbreviations. - Use headings. - Number points. - Write quotations in a different color. Tidying messy notes: Draw a *square* around sections of notes in different colors. Use a ruler to divide the page up between sections. Draw a ring round floating bits of information. Link stray information by color.
Shortcuts in note-making Leave space. Make just one set of notes. Use labels. Number the pages. Use abbreviations. Useful common abbreviations. e.g. for example i.e. that is. that means. etc. and the rest NB important, notice this p. Page (pp. =pages) para paragraph Ch. Chapter (Chs. =chapters) edn edition info. Information cd could wd would Govt Government Educ. Education impt important devt development C19 nineteenth century Useful common symbols &(+) and + plus, in addition to > greater , more tham, better than < smaller, less than = is the same as, equal to ♀ women, female ♂ man, male w/ with → this leads to , produces, causes
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