– Revelation – The Living One Walks Among Us 2 – Revelation – The Living One Walks Among Us 2. The Letters to the 7 Churches Revelation 2: 1-7 p. 1138
Letters to the Seven Churches Letdown – the conditions in the 7 churches Need to maintain historical perspective In their 5th or 6th decade Second generation believers Have become something of a mixed bag Ephesus – City the Crown Jewel of Asia Censure (v 4) “forsaken the love you had at first” Commended far more than they are censured
1. Commendations (v2-3, 6) Nicolaitians (v. 6) – Don’t have a clue who they are The 3 commendations (v 2-3) I know your deeds – hard work and perseverance You cannot tolerate wicked people You have persevered and endured hardship Focus this morning on the first and third of these
1. Commendations … God knows our deeds – intended as Good News Good deeds are for the sake of others Not to be lauded by others Not to earn points with God Looking after the needs of others Love of Neighbour
1. Commendations … They have persevered and endured hardships … … and not grown weary! To not grow weary seems impossible The kind of fatigue that thinks – “what’s the use?” They had kept at it
2. Their only Censure (v 4) “Forsaken the love you had at first” What would this mean if Christ said it to us personally? The Lord takes a slacking off of love very seriously Love is a tough word here Goes in 2 directions at once Feelings of emotional tenderness Selfless action towards others Each of us needs to ask – is it love that moves us to action? Christ own response to them – They have fallen a long ways and need to repent Not addressed to Individuals: Applies to the church as a whole Urge us to listen to what the Spirit might say to us
3. Promise (v 7) Not to the Church – but to individuals REPENT by returning to the Love we had at first How should I hear what Christ says to University Chapel? “Churches” is plural – a word for all churches The Promise to those who are victorious Takes us back to the garden of Eden (Gen 2:3) The Tree of Life All who have been faithful – given the right to eat of the Tree Not because we deserve it – because of God’s Grace & mercy