El alfabeto / El abecedario Why should we learn the Spanish alphabet? escribir, escribir,
Introducción ¿Qué ya sabes del alfabeto español? ¿Qué quieres saber del alfabeto español?
Al fin Al fin de esta lección, you will be able to… pronounce the vowels and give 3 pronunciation facts about them say the alphabet in Spanish compare the Spanish and English alphabets
Vowels (vocales) a e i o u mouth gets smaller as you say them Each vowel has only one sound “Short” sounds
El Alfabeto: Las Letras Names in Spanish N (ene) Ñ (eñe) ~ is a “tilde” O P (pe) Q (cu) R (ere) *RR (erre) = trill tongue S (ese) T (te) U V (uve) = makes b/v sound W(doble uve ) X (equis) Y (ye) Z (zeta) = s sound A B (be) C (ce) *CH (che) D (de) E F (efe) G (ge= hey!!) H (hache) I J (jota) =J sounds like Eng “H”) K (ka) L (ele) *LL (elle) M (eme)
El Alfabeto: Las Letras with English phonetic sound c ch uuh- veh doble uuh- veh yay
Alphabet chant http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUcu9PUh9_A (Alfabeto- Military Style)
Letras especiales: ñ: only extra letter currently in the Spanish alphabet ch/ll/rr: although they are still “sounds” in Spanish, these letters were removed from the alphabet several years ago; k & w: foreign letters; only in loan words h: silent ll: may be pronounced as /y/, /j/, or /zh/ b & v : May have the same pronunciation (/b/);
Acentos Escritos: 1. Where are written accents? On some vowels 2. What do they do? Shows stress / emphasis on a syllable 3. How would I use it to spell aloud? Á (“a” con acento), É Í Ó Ú Cómo = c - o “con acento” – m - o
¿Quieres practicar más? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8MlEtSdJx0 (la A suena A) http://www.studyspanish.com/pronunciation/ (click on the left side for specific sounds and topics http://www.spanishspanish.com/alfabeto_ipower.html http://www.123teachme.com/learn_spanish/spanish_alph abet http://www.spanish411.net/Spanish-Alphabet.asp
¿Quieres practicar más? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MECCt3 8QwEA (Salsa alphabet) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSZA0 p45a18 (el abecedario y los animales) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ahrfs7fq Efw (Alfabeto para niños)
Conversación #1: Asking about/ spelling names - ¿Cómo te llamas? Me llamo _________ (name). ¿Cómo se escribe _________ (name)? Se escribe __ - __ - __ - …. (spell out)
Conversación #2: Vocabulario - ¿Cómo se dice “please” en español? Se dice “por favor” . ¿Cómo se escribe “por favor”? Se escribe __ - __ - __ - …. (spell out) NOW USE WITH OTHER “FRASES IMPORTANTES” from your notes!
Al fin Can you… pronounce the vowels and give 3 pronunciation facts about them? say the alphabet in Spanish? compare the Spanish and English alphabets?
El Alfabeto: Las Letras “Phonetic Name” N en-ay Ñ en-nyay ~ is a “tilde” O oh P pay Q coo R air-ay RR air-rrrrray (trill tongue) S es-say T tay U oo V bay OR oo-bay/ vay W doble bay OR doble oo OR ,bay doble X ay-kees Y ee-gree ay gah Z say-tah A ah B bay C say *CH chay D day E ay F ef-ay G hay H ah-chay I ee J ho-tah K kah L el-lay *LL ay-yay M em-ay