Welcome at INP Toulouse A ‘seven campus’ University Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse Welcome at INP Toulouse A ‘seven campus’ University 2013
6 engineering & 1 veterinary schools A ‘seven’ campus: 6 engineering & 1 veterinary schools French engineer degree = Master degree ENSAT : Agronomy, environment, agro-biosciences ENSEEIHT : Electronics, electrical engineering, hydraulics, informatics, telecom ENSIACET : Chemistry, Materials, Process engineering, Industrial engineering ENIT : Mechanical engineering ENM : Meteorology EI PURPAN : Agriculture ENVT : Veterinary sciences 7000 Students 19 Laboratories 2014
Our Region 2014
4 Economic Specific Fields Our Cities Toulouse, 4th largest city, in the south west of the country, 1 million inhabitants with the Greater Toulouse Tarbes, in the foothills of the Pyrenees - Pic du Midi - and nearby Spain +100.000 Students 4 Economic Specific Fields Pole Aerospace Valley (Space and aeronautics) Pole Cancer bio-santé (Cancer and health) Pole Agrimip Innovation (Agrofood chain) Pole EAU (Water) 9.000 Researchers 2014
INP: Founder & Member of UT 6 founders of Université de Toulouse with : Université de Toulouse: to gather the following assets: Wide range of Institutions (now 14) More than 500 diplomas & degrees offer Renowned Doctoral schools Living environment for students: Toulouse is ranked 1st as the best city where to study Open to future & international Université de Toulouse has been selected as one of the 8th excellent academic & research French centres 2014
University of Toulouse - UT Around 100.000 students at UT: 11.9% are PhD's students, 8.3% in engineering studies, 27.6% in Master 36.1% in Bachelor, 16.1% in other diplomas 10% of French engineers are graduated in Toulouse UT’s common policy is based on 4 departments: Training and student life European and International Relations Research and Doctoral Schools (ED) Valorisation and technology transfer Supported by services such as: inter-institutional documentary cooperation, computer centres, general services 2014
The French Higher Education System 3 years academic programme in engineering schools Engineering Degree and Master Level B M D 1 8 6 7 2 3 4 5 INP IUT CPGE: Preparatory classes for entry to engineering schools through national entrance exams Prépa INP : Preparatory classes for exclusive entry to the INP engineering schools Degree (Bachelor) Professional Activity Doctorate CPGE Prépa 5 academic years Master 2014
The ‘seven’ INP’s Schools Erasmus codes F-TOULOUS28 Engineer-Master’s Degree in 3 years F-TOULOUS28 F-TOULOUS28 F-TARBES03 Engineer-Master’s Degree in 5 years F-TOULOUS15 (internship) Vet degree in in 5 years F-TOULOUS22 F-TOULOUS121 Engineer-Master’s Degree in 3 years 2014
2nd French university for applied research More than 900 researchers in 19 laboratories 13.5 Millions of € /year from research contracts 120 patents Widely implicated in the socio-economic & industrial field INP’s schools and laboratories are strongly related to industries: Research contracts Engineering students’ internship is mandatory Strong link and feedback between academic studies and fundamental applied research and industries 2014
9 doctoral schools at INP Toulouse Mechanics, energy, civil and processes engineering Mathematics, informatics & telecommunications Systems Electrical engineering, electronics and telecommunications Material sciences: physics & chemistry Space sciences, environment and universe Time, space, society and culture Environmental sciences, veterinary, agronomy and bio-engineering Aeronautics-astronautics 600 PhD students Over 150 PhD defended per year 2014
INP’s Research on line Access to E-THESIS: unabridged PDF text of all thesis defended at INP Toulouse from January 2005, except for confidential thesis OATAO : an open free access repository collecting the work of Toulouse researchers raising the visibility of research and maximising its impact: articles, book chapters, reports, conference papers, etc… 2014
INP’s International Policy Within INP Increasing the international mobility of our engineering students Developing double diplomas and Masters taught in English Intensifying the professors and researchers’ mobility to develop scientific cooperation Within the University of Toulouse Extending our attractiveness at international level Improving information and facilities for international students Enhancing UT attractiveness and international cooperation 2014
INP’s International Relations In 2013, 22% are international students 42% at the PhD level European programs : Erasmus, Tempus, Marie Curie, PCRD Student mobility, research in Canada, Quebec and United States, Double degree (GIT) Programmes Hubert Curien, Eiffel Grants, PFIEV, research, n+i Programmes Arfitec, Brafitec, Mexfitec, Eiffel grants, Prefalc programme, PCP Mexico, cooperative research, n+i Research, continuing education, AUF programmes Double degrees, Co-supervised PhDs International agreements: bilateral & multilateral Cooperation networks in academic and research fields 2014
Our Outgoing Students: Mandatory Mobility for Engineering Students 3 months abroad minimum or a study semester = 30 ECTS Destination (%) Type of mobility (%) 2014
International students at INP Geographical origin (%) International students in each academic study (%) 2014
Practical Information Improving your level in French E-Filipe Canal Academie Filipé Canal academie French courses Université de Toulouse Preparing your stay in Toulouse Practical guide & information Handbook Ariane Living in Toulouse (acomodation, monthly cost, ....) Toul’Box = https://toulbox.univ-toulouse.fr 2014
Masters' offer in English or bilingual English & French Focus on 8 Masters of Sciences & Technologies Fully in English: ✓ Agrofood Chain ✓ Eurama (European Animal Management) 50% in English,50% in French: ✓ Fluids Engineering for Industrial Processes ✓ Electrical Engineering Systems ✓ Electronic systems for embedded and communicating applications ✓ Green Cap NEW ! 2014 Sept. : Risk Engineering in Industrial Systems 2015 Sept. : Water Management 2014
Contacting us ? sri@inp-toulouse.fr See you soon ! Contacting us ? sri@inp-toulouse.fr 2014