WP11 – ANAC Report on First Semester M. Biagini, on behalf of WP11 Task leaders 3° EuCARD SC, LNF, November 4-5 2009
WP11 - Tasks Task 11.1. ANAC Coordination and Communication (Coordinator M. Biagini, LNF - INFN) Coordination and scheduling of the WP tasks Monitoring the work, informing the project management and participants within the JRA WP budget follow-up Task 11.2. Design of Interaction Regions for high luminosity colliders (Coordinator C. Milardi, LNF - INFN) Feasibility study of a new IR based on the Crab Waist concept for the upgraded KLOE experiment at DAΦNE. Study the possible integration of the Crab Waist collision scheme into the LHC collider upgrade Task 11.3. Upgrade of the EMMA FFAG Ring (Coordinator T.R. Edgecock, STFC) Design, build and test the external diagnostics systems for EMMA Commission EMMA using the diagnostics and perform the necessary experiments to evaluate non-scaling optics for a variety of applications. Task 11.4. Instrumentations for novel accelerators (Coordinator V. Malka, LOA - CNRS) Design, build and test of detectors for emittance measurements of electron beams delivered by laser plasma accelerators
Executive summary The work planned for Task 2, Subtask 1, is proceeding at high speed and will its deliverable will probably be completed ahead of schedule. In Task 2, Subtask 2, CERN is having difficulty in recruiting personnel for the LHC upgraded Interaction Region. This will hopefully be solved this month, when a fellowship selection will be done at CERN A deviation from the original work plan has been encountered at STFC for what concerns Task 3. There has been a request by STFC for the EC contribution being advanced such that 60% of EuCARD funding is paid this year and 40% the next. Without the additional funds, first beam in EMMA is expected by March 2010, while with the advanced funding profile, this could be brought forward by up to 3 months. In either case, it is likely that the EMMA deliverable will be completed by the end of the second EuCARD year. A decision on this matter is at the moment still to be made.
Task 11.1 - Management A web page dedicated to the description of the WP11 for the EuCARD participant has been prepared in the framework of the overall EuCARD web page. In this page there are announcements of events, publication of reports, meetings organized and other useful scientific information (https://espace.cern.ch/EuCARD/WP11/default.aspx). The page is still in progress and will be updated regularly Work on a public web page is also in progress A collaboration meeting for Task 2 has been organized between INFN-LNF and BINP at LNF in September 2009 Organization of the 3° SC meeting at LNF No Deliverable or Milestones were due this semester
Public web page (in progress...) Many thanks to Merethe !!!
Agenda of the BINP – LNF collaboration meeting Round Table: “Status of the collaboration topics” Program of the activities to be carried out during the visit of the BINP colleagues in Frascati in the framework of the WP11 – Task 11.2 of the EuCARD – ANAC project Partecipants: Accelerator Division Staff, Levichev, Piminov, Shatilov, Siniatkin, Nikitin, Vobly Talks: Date Speaker Title Sep. 17th 2009 P. Piminov Dynamic Aperture computational tools Sep. 18th 2009 D. Shatilov Beam – Beam computational tools Sep. 22nd 2009 C. Milardi New DAFNE IR for the KLOE2 detector
Task 11.2 - Design of Interaction Regions for high luminosity colliders Subtask 1: detailed study to understand compatibility between the conflicting requirements of high luminosity IR and experimental detectors in terms of IR mechanical structure design, collider optics, beam dynamics and background rejection, for a new run of the upgraded KLOE experiment (KLOE2) scheduled at DAFNE. The KLOE detector itself will be upgraded in order to cope with the higher acquisition rates expected from the improved collision scheme In April 2009 a 3 years contract has been awarded to Dr. Theo Demma, to work on beam dynamics topics related to the implementation of the new collision scheme for the KLOE2 experiment. In particular he is focusing his work on e-cloud simulations and remediation, and Intra Beam Scattering calculations for DAFNE No Deliverable or Milestones were due this semester
Task 11.2 - Design of Interaction Regions for high luminosity colliders Achievements during the first six months of activity: Design of IR optics Definition of transverse coupling correction Tracking studies to ensure compatibility of the new IR with the mechanical layout of the ring arcs IR vacuum chamber mechanical design In September 2009 a meeting has been organized at LNF with BINP associates in order to point out the critical aspects connected to dynamic aperture computation and optimization, beam-beam simulation, IBS and Touschek lifetime calculation. In this meeting the status of the codes presently available has been revised and the guidelines of the work to be done have been defined
New KLOE IR IR design complete and several components of the new hardware already acquired and/or in construction Main improvements of the present optics w.r.t. old KLOE one are: increased beam stay clear better shielding less backgrounds additional skew quad added across PM QF1 independent pair of compensating solenoids for each beam skew quad placed at the crab-sextupole location detector solenoid coupling correction can be better than for KLOE (was achieved 0.2-0.3%) no need of rotating quads for fine adjustment
New IR for KLOE2
Section of KLOE2 near IP IP QD0 QF1 Beam trajectories always at center of beam pipe across the IR Calorimeter Tungsten shielding close to QD0 IP
IR optics Beam optics design criteria: x*= 26.5 cm y* = 0.85 cm Coupling matrix = 0 after QUAPS103 x = y = 3 Highest y at the CW sextupole IP
New KLOE IR PM dipole added after QF1 Due to the larger crossing angle, the vertical displacement of the beam in the IR is about 2.5 times w.r.t. the last KLOE run. A permanent magnet dipole is used to keep under control the vertical beam trajectory. PM designed, built, measured and ready to be installed. KLOE2 IR design is flexible, allowing different detector solenoid field values (PM dipole design can be split in two; QD0 rotation null)
Task 11.3 - Upgrade of the EMMA FFAG ring EMMA design was completed some time ago and construction of both the beam line and diagnostics are now far advanced. The beamline will be ready to receive first beam early in 2010. In particular: all the magnets are either already delivered or are being built by industry vacuum vessel has also been delivered beam position monitors are under construction and prototypes of the electronics have been tested mechanics of the screens in the beamline are being built wall current monitor and electro-optic monitor are being designed. a Commissioning Workshop was held in May 2009 and another is planned for early December 2009. There are Commissioning phone meetings every two weeks No Deliverables due in this period. Progress towards deliverable 11.3.1 is very good and this is likely to be delivered ahead of schedule Milestone 11.3.1: requirements for the diagnostic devices for the electron beam in EMMA have been determined and are being used in the equipment design and construction.
Task 11.4 - Instrumentations for novel accelerators LOA/CNRS has defined the requirements for electron beam emittance diagnostic, summarized in a Report issued in May, after 2 months from contract beginning. This includes the definition of the optimised electron beam parameter and the geometry for future measurement Discussions were held to prepare the collaboration with INFN No Deliverables or Milestones foreseen for this semester
Task 11.4 - Publication
DCO (yesterday...)
Summary of human resources Task 1 Task 3 Man-power used INFN 100% BINP CERN 48% Man-power used STFC 150% CNRS ?? Task 2 Task 4 Man-power used INFN 140% BINP 190% CNRS 100% CERN 0% Man-power used CNRS 8%
Plans for future work Task 11.1 Task 11.2 Task 11.3 Task 11.4 Complete website, improve DCO, organize the annual WP meeting (maybe in connection with the EuCARD meeting in April?) Task 11.2 Assessment of the full new Main Ring optics including the new IR (INFN) Beam parameters evaluation and optimization including: Dynamic aperture estimate and optimization (BINP) Background simulations and beam lifetime evaluations (INFN, BINP) Beam-beam simulations and working point definition (INFN, BINP) Kicker design for the new positron horizontal feedback (INFN) Transverse and longitudinal feedback hardware upgrade (INFN) Luminosity monitors design (INFN, CNRS) New IR and KLOE detector installation (INFN) Start of work on 11.2.2, LHC upgrade IR (CERN) Task 11.3 Complete the construction of EMMA and, if everything stays on schedule, start commissioning Task 11.4 Studies related to the different emittance measurements will continue in collaboration with INFN-LNF
Summary WP11 work is on schedule in all Tasks Subtask 11.2.1 is very well advanced, may be ahead of time, while Subtask 11.2.2 has a delay due to missing recruitment of a fellowship Task 11.3, also on time, has requested an advanced payment of 60% of the EU budget for this first year decision of the GB soon Task 11.4 has published in May a Report on “Specification of electron beam parameters suitable for emittance measurements”