Technical Review of 2nd Quarter, 2013 Charles Tortoe, PhD
Projects- Activities 1. Gratitude Project-(Gains from losses of Root and Tuber Crops) -3yr EU project Work Package (WP2) Identification of optimal curing strategies for yam Identification of appropriate sprout control strategies for yam Work Package (WP5) Identification of Critical Control Points in HACCP systems for cassava and yam products Developing methodologies to monitor safety and quality attributes of the products at Critical Control Points
Projects-Activities 2. WAAPP2A Project-(West Africa Agriculture Productivity Programme) -5yr World Bank project Component 3.1b2 Investigate the appropriate composition and formulations for composite flour from yam, cocoyam and sweet potato. Investigate the shelf-life characteristics of the composite flours and developed products as bread, biscuits, queens cake and doughnuts. Up-scaling of composite flour with flour mills and bakery products with selected bakery industries through demonstration and training using developed manuals
Results Gratitude Project Identification of optimal curing strategies A 4cm x 5cm cut were made on selected tubers of yam. The initial weights of all the tubers were taken and tubers arranged on a jute sack, polypropylene sacks, straw and none covered, which served as control for 21 days for weight loss, temp and RH.
Table 1 Key yam varieties for curing studies No. Key yam varieties (local names) Species 1. Pona Dioscorea rotundata 2. Dente/Ponjo 3. Lariboko 4. Mutwumudoo/Moonye/Asana/Araba/Mmoniyo 5. Serwah/Afibetua 6. Akaba Dioscorea alata 7. Matches/Seidu Ble
Curing of yam Fig 1. Curing of yam under four different environment
Temperature & humidity (7days)
Mean weight loss (7 days)
Deliverables Identification of appropriate sprout control strategies Chemical solutions of Neem (Azachirata indica) seeds, neem leaves, sweet potato (Ipomea batatas) leaves and potash (burnt cocoa pod) of 600ppm solutions and apical portions of tubers dipped and stored for 6months
Sprout control strategies Fig 2. Sprout control strategies for yam
Sprout control
Sprout control
Sprout control
Sprout control
Results WP5 Food safety baseline data developed for SME’s for: cassava and yam production and processing in Ghana cassava and yam processors types of processed products including the core processes and process flow charts for gari, agbelima, kokonte, HQCF and starch for cassava and yam fufu flour, yam kokonte and wasawasa for yam
Results WP5 CCPs identified for 6 cassava products: agbelima, gari, kokonte, High Quality Cassava Flour (HQCF), starch and tapioca CCPs identified for 6 yam products: yam flour, yam fufu flour, wasawasa, yam kokonte, precooked vacuum packaged yam-frozen yam and precooked vacuum packaged yam chips)
Results WP5 Methodologies developed to monitor safety and quality of all the products at the CCPs included: HACCP control plans sampling plans for quality checks good manufacturing practices for cassava and yam products rodent/insect and animal control and miscellaneous challenges and its control for cassava and yam products
Results WAAPP2A Component 3.1b2 First series of yam, cocoyam, sweet potato developed and formulated into composites flours used in bakery products (bread, biscuits, chips, doughnuts, queens cake). Second series of yam, cocoyam, sweet potatoes varieties for composite flour development underway. Twelve sweetpotato varieties released by CRI paid for yet to be received for development into composite flour Sensory analysis of developed products underway at FRI
Other Activities Consultancy Consultancy research/training on roots and tuber, fruits and vegetables Client-tailored requested training on developed fruits and vegetables products- Hibiscus calyx juice Internal management Manage activities within the FPED Coordinate activities of WAAPP 2A project Assist in coordinating activities of Gratitude project
Publications Journals Sprout control strategies for key yam varieties of farmers Sensory attributes of composite flours from root and tubers Manuals Yam storage strategies Composite flours and their food forms
Thank You