5/11/15 Mr. Faia 6th Grade Science Insects 5/11/15 Mr. Faia 6th Grade Science
Insects There are 760,000 species of insects Ants, bees, wasps – 100,000 Beetles, weevils – 300,000 Butterflies, moths – 110,000 Flies, mosquitoes – 100,000 Other insects – 150,000
The Insect Body Insect bodies are different than other arthropods: 3 Body sections 6 Legs 1 Pair of antennae 1 or 2 pairs of wings (usually)
The Insect Body 3 Body Sections: Head Thorax Abdomen
The Insect Body Sense organs are on the head Legs and wings are attached to the thorax Internal organs are in the abdomen
The Insect Body Insects usually have 2 large compound eyes Compound eyes are very useful in detecting movement Why might this be important?
The Insect Body Insects have a system of tubes to breathe These tubes take oxygen directly to cells
From Egg to Adult Insects hatch from small, hard-shelled eggs They then go through a major body change What is a name for this process?
From Egg to Adult There are 2 types of metamorphosis Complete Metamorphosis Gradual Metamorphosis
From Egg to Adult Complete metamorphosis has 4 different stages: Egg Larva Pupa Adult
From Egg to Adult Gradual Metamorphosis has 3 stages: Egg Nymph Adult
How Insects Feed If it is alive, was alive, or made from something that was alive, insects will eat it
How Insects Feed Insects will eat plants and plant parts Also things made from plants Can you think of an example?
How Insects Feed Insects will also feed on animals; living, dead, and otherwise Fleas Mosquitoes
How Insects Feed Insects’ mouthparts are where insects differ They are adapted to get food What is an adaptation?
REVIEW What are the names of the 3 sections of an insect’s body? How do all insect’s begin their lives? How many species of insects are there? What do insects feed on? What are the 2 different types of metamorphosis? What are the stages for each type of metamorphosis? What is found on each of an insect’s body sections?
Defending Themselves Hard exoskeleton Quick speed or flight Stingers
Defending Themselves One of the most common defenses is camouflage Protective coloration Insects can blend in with surroundings or look like other animals
Insects and Humans For every human, there are AT LEAST 200 million insects Some species will damage crops Other species can cause disease
Insects and Humans Most insects are helpful Bees make honey Silkworm moth spins fibers for silk Insects prey on harmful insects