An anaconda kills its prey by coiling its muscular body around the creature and squeezing until the animal can no longer breathe. Jaws attached by stretchy ligaments allow the snake swallow its prey whole, no matter the size. Anacondas can go weeks or months without eating after a big meal. Anacondas like to be in or near water, and they are excellent swimmers. Their eyes and nostrils are on top of their heads, so they can keep their body hidden underwater as they wait for prey. Humans are the anaconda’s most dangerous predator. In many parts of South America, they are hunted, both legally and illegally, for their skin and for sale in the illegal pet trade. Often, these snakes are killed just because people fear and dislike them.
Toucans are important for rain forest health and diversity Toucans are important for rain forest health and diversity. These birds pass seeds from the fruit they eat through their digestive systems, which helps replant the plants. The toucan's bill is also a big deal. Some say that the large and brightly coloured bill is used to attract potential mates. Others suggest it is useful in scaring away predators or animals that might compete with the toucan for . Still others believe it is an adaptation that allows the toucan to reach food way out at the ends of branches that are not strong enough to hold the bird itself. Toucans are known to reach deep into tree cavities to grab eggs from other birds or to dig deeply into their own nesting cavities to clear them out, and pairs have been seen tossing fruit to one another in a courtship ritual. No matter what purpose you decide on, the toucan’s bill is a very useful tool! TOUCANS
One of the most incredible things about butterflies is the way they change from crawling caterpillars into winged beauties. There are four steps in becoming a butterfly: egg, caterpillar, pupa, and adult. This process is called metamorphosis, which comes from the Latin words for "changing shape." An adult female lays her eggs on a plant. When the egg hatches, a small caterpillar crawls out and eats the eggshell, then it begins eating the plant. Caterpillars are basically munching machines. This is the stage when most of the eating and growing happens. The caterpillar's insides grow, but not its outside—when it gets too big for its skin, the covering splits and is shed. A new exoskeleton lies underneath. A caterpillar sheds its skin 5 times, then becomes a pupa. The last time the caterpillar sheds, a hard casing called a chrysalis forms around its body. Inside the chrysalis, big changes are happening. The pupa is growing six legs, a proboscis, antennae, and wings. After 10 to 15 days, the chrysalis breaks open and a butterfly emerges. At first its wings are wet and crinkled, but after about an hour, they are straight, dry, and strong enough for the butterfly to flutter away.
Deers like to hide from predators
Turtles like to eat grass,they hide in shell
Jaguar Jaguars eat fish birds and more. Jaguars are actually mammals. Jaguars are 6 feet long. Did you know