2nd Grade Team Mrs. Andrade Mrs. Baugh Ms. Hurtado Welcome Parents!
Welcome to 2nd Grade! The purpose of tonight is to provide information about our curriculum and our daily procedures. We have been busy assessing the students and helping them learn procedures and transition into 2nd grade. Since we are only in the 2nd week of school it is really difficult to discuss your child’s progress with you tonight. If we have concerns, we will contact you prior to conferences.
Goals To give each child the academic tools he/she needs to progress to 3rd grade. To provide a supportive learning environment. To make new friends and discover new interests.
Daily Binder The students will be bringing home a binder that will include homework, notes home, graded work, a behavior sheet, and Project Read. Everything each student needs will be in this binder. Please ask your child for their binder nightly so that you can look through it. Also, please look over their nightly homework and initial.
Homework Read for 20 minutes 4 times per week (Project Read tally sheet). Math Morning Math (Homework side) Eureka Homework page Study spelling words
Behavior Management Positive Coupon Rewards Trophy Table Points Character Sheet (in binder) Everything EQ (Pause, Ponder, Respond, Refer)
Math Students will be instructed using Eureka Math. We will learn about all of our math facts, money, addition and subtraction (different levels of problem solving), measurement, fractions, multiplication, and so much more! We will all be challenged to work at our highest abilities. There is a wonderful link that you will find on our website with loads of helpful information.
Science/Social Studies The Reading Street Program incorporates science and social studies. We will also attend field trips to further our studies.
Field Trips Pioneer Village Mr. Slim Goodbody Butterfly Wonderland Trip dates to be confirmed at a later date.
Reading We will use our District adopted Reading Street program. Walk-to-Read: Differen-tiated reading groups Volunteers needed for small group support. Info to come. Phonics Essential Learnings
Communication Notes in Binder Newsletter Email is best
Thank you for coming!