Banned Book Week Words Have Power 2017
Any common elements in them? Warm-Up With your peers at your table, discuss: What purpose books serve? Make some observations about the titles on your tables. Read any? Are they good books? Any common elements in them?
Targets: Students will: Understand their First Amendment rights Understand censorship, book challenges, and book banning Understand intellectual freedom Demonstrate their understanding of key concepts in a variety of project selections
Protect your rights! The First Amendment guarantees the right to express our views, including opinions about books. The First Amendment also guarantees that our rights to read or access information cannot be limited by others. When others try to demand that libraries and schools remove specific books from the shelves, they are attempting to restrict the rights of other individuals and their access to those books.
Your First Amendement rights! Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Why do people want to censor books? “To protect children” From what types of ideas or content do people wish to protect children? Re-examine the books on the table to get some ideas. “If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that Government may not prohibit the expressions of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable.” ~Supreme Court Justice William Brennan, Texas vs. Johnson
Who wants to censor and ban books?
Protect your rights! Should another parent tell you what time to go to bed? Should another parent tell you what to eat or not eat? Should another parent tell you what shows you can watch? Should another parent tell you when and who you can date?
Protect your rights! First Amendment rights extend to children and teens. Parents have the rights and responsibility to guide their own children’s reading. Parents do NOT have the right to guide or control other people’s children.
Challenged vs. Banned?
Intellectual Freedom
Who should decide what you can read? Why is this particularly important for children and teens?
Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so, too Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so, too. ~ Voltaire
Your Tasks: 1. Tweet one of the 8 Rebel Reader actions with the hashtag #RebelReader. Include your teacher and SBHS library.
Complete One of these tasks and tweet it using #RebelReader:
Your Tasks: 2. Create an informative product to share the ideas about Banned Books, the First Amendment, and the importance of free choice and the freedom to read.
Possible Products: PSAs
Possible Products: PSAs
Possible Products: posters pamphlets videos bulletin boards interactive table top displays Readbox book reviews Your ideas!
We have for your use: computers art supplies display items books information resources props Pathfinder on Library Resources pages (School website, Google classroom)