Americans with Russian roots. Team: clever minds motto:when we are united- we are the best
Irkutsk Kazan Cathedral Our city is the centre of the Eastern Siberia. It was founded in 1661 by Jakov Pokhabov. It is situated near the lake Baikal. There are many sightseeing. Holy Cross Church Drama Theatre Monument to Alexander 3d
Lake Baikal
Our school Our TV studio MAOU CO № 47 Our principal: Tutrina Nadezhda Gennadjevna
Our team “Clever minds”
Our teachers
Famous Americans with Russian Roots Relevance of our research: There are many famous Americans with Russian roots. We can meet them in different spheres of their work. We admire their activities and want to look like these people. The problem of our research: The problem includes the contradiction that there are a lot of Americans with Russian roots and we don’t know about them.
The aim: To get more information about Americans with Russian roots and to introduce them to our students. The tasks: To make an interrogation of our students on the problem. To find the reasons of their immigration. To introduce famous Americans to our students. To make a conclusion.
Americans with Russian Roots. At the beginning of our research we asked our students two questions: 1)Do you know famous Americans with Russian roots? 2)What spheres of their activities are the most interesting for you?
We asked 120 students and got the following results: Our students are interested in the following spheres: science, arts, politics, music and sport.
Americans with Russian Roots. We decided to get the information about famous Americans with Russian roots. We asked ourselves questions: 1)What spheres are interesting for us? 2)What was the reason of their immigration?
The reason of their immigration. The 20th century changed the history greatly. At its beginning a lot of people in Russia made the difficult decision to leave their own country. The reason of this moving was the revolution. The Royal family was murdered, the Bolsheviks led the power. Well-educated people of noble and middle-class origin had to escape to save their own lives and their children. This caused immigration. People immigrated to the UK, France, the USA, Australia. Russia lost its intelligentsia. Lost its original system. Lost Monarchy and Belief. Lost itself. The new epoch started.
Our team and famous Americans with Russian roots
Liza! She likes to dance and learns language :) « I am interested in biographies of famous people» Marina! She likes to play the guitar and she likes mathematics a lot :) « I am proud of the fact that many talented inventers have Russian roots»
Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky Igor Sikorsky was born in 1889 in Kiev, The Russian Empire. His father was a Professor of Medicine. The young man dealt with airplane building in Russia. Also the simplest models of helicopters were invented here. The first plane of his construction was raised in the air in 1910. In 1912 – 1914 the planes “Grand” and “Ilya Murometz” were built. Sikorsky left Russia in 1918. First he went to London, then to Paris. A year later he immigrated to the USA. There Sikorsky founded the firm “”Sikorsky Aero Engineering Corporation”. This man invented about 15 types of planes. Later he started to build helicopters. The flights over the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans were made by these helicopters. The inventions made by Sikorsky are used for military and civil purposes. He died in1972 in Easton, Connecticut, USA. There is a special Prize in his honour.
Kate! She likes to sing and play the piano :) «I know almost all the biographies of American celebrities, and are happy to tell about their ancestors» Dasha! She likes to swim and draw :) «I really like this theme, I was never interested in celebrities, but now I have learned a lot about them»
Mila Yovovich We all know the famous actress Mila Yovovich. American actress Russian-Serbian origin (she identifies a Ukrainian or Russian, although legally a citizen of the United States), musician, model and fashion designer. Born December 17, 1975 in Kiev. Father - Bogdan Jovovich, a doctor of Montenegro; mother - Galina Loginova, a Russian by nationality, Soviet and American actress. At the age of five small Milla moved with her parents to London, and later - in the States. Her father continued his career as a doctor, but her mother could no longer be in the movies because of the Cold War. Also Mila's mother wanted to send Mila in the right direction and to grow her a star-one of the reason.
Sveta! She likes to draw) « this theme is interesting for me, because I want to draw famous people with their families» Daria! She likes to play volleyball) « I KNOW A LOT ABOUT SPORTS, a topic of celebrities is new to me»
Feodor Chaliapin Feodor Chaliapin – a man, which had a huge impact on the world Opera art, emigrated from the country on June 29, 1922. The solution about immigration from Russia did not become immediately. However, on his return from the second overseas tour at Chaliapin was a firm intention to "fulfill the dream". The problem was that the family had little chance to follow Feodor. « I was convinced that abroad I can live more relaxed, more independent, not giving anyone anything no reports without asking, as a student, preparatory class, can I go or not... To live abroad alone, without his beloved family, I didn't thought of, and departure from, the whole family was, of course, more difficult - whether? And here I confess - I decided to palter. I began to develop the idea that my performances abroad bring the Soviet authorities favor, make it more advertising». It was Chaliapin's words about his immigration.
Mark. « I really like physics and other sciences Mark! « I really like physics and other sciences. I took part in this project with great pleasure Alena! «I think that this topic is very important. Russian people for many years have emigrated to other countries , especially in the United States . This helps them to develop a career , a family, the future of the planet as a whole.
We represented our project to our class and most of our classmates decided to continue our research.
Conclusion: Many famous Americans have Russian roots. They succeeded in different spheres of their activities. Their Russian roots, Russian spirit helped them to become famous. We are proud of our country. Our people have Clever minds. We want to reach such success in our lives.
Thank you for your attention!