Bureaucratic Theory by Max Weber


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Presentation transcript:

Bureaucratic Theory by Max Weber Student’s Name Institute Affiliation

Introduction This theory is known Bureaucratic Theory of management or Max Weber theory. Bureaucratic theory was developed by a German Sociologist known as Max Weber.

Explanation of the Theory Bureaucracy is defined as an organization structure characterized by many processes and rules, procedures and requirements as well as clear hierarchies. Just like Fredrik Taylor in his scientific management theory, Weber advocated for a system based on standardized procedures and a clear chain of command. Weber emphasized on efficiency but also warned on technology. According to Weber bureaucracy is the most efficient form of organization. Organizations should have a well defined line of authority, clear rules and regulations which are strictly followed. Weber conquers with fredrick Taylor scientific management theory which also advocate for a system based on standardized procedures and a clear chain of command.

Key elements on bureaucratic management theory Weber emphasized on: A hierarchy of authority Clearly defined job roles Standardized procedures Hiring employees if only they meet the specific qualification for the job Meticulous record keeping

Hierarchy Authorities Weber pointed out that there is need for hierarchy of positions in the organization. Each lower office should be subjected to control and supervision by a higher office. Subordinate should get from his immediate supervisor Communication coming up or down must pass through the hierarchy. On hierarchy authorities Weber pointed that there should be a hierarchy of positions in the organization. They should have a system of ranking various position in descending scale from top to bottom of the organization. He as well advocate that communication coming up or down must pass through hierarchy. The hierarchy serves as the lines of communication and delegation of duties.

Division of work Organization task is based on competencies Work in the organization should be divided on the basis of specialization Incumbent with the necessary authority to carry out specific functions Sphere of obligation to perform various functions Every employee is responsible for what he/she does best by focusing on their area of expertise. Task must also be divided according to employees specialization such that each employee should be given a task in which they are best in. Employee should be given the authority as well as the resources to perform the assigned functions. Organization of tasks should be based on competencies.

Administrative class This class is responsible for coordinating active members. For instance - Only whole time employees are paid - Salary and other perquisites are based on positions - Employees are selected for employment purpose based on competencies. The administrative class is responsible for various tasks such as ensuring proper coordination of all active members. Bureaucracy theory also advocate that only while time employees should be paid and they are the only one who should enjoy other employees benefits.

Other features Rules and requirements- formal rules and requirements are required to ensure conformity. Impersonal relationship- relationship between employees should be governed through the system of official authority and rules. Official record – organization should maintain proper official records for future reference Other main characteristics Max Weber advocated is that the records should be well maintained for future references. He also pointed that employees should maintain formal relationships within the workplace; the relationships should be governed through the system of official authority and rules.

Critics in Bureaucracy Too much emphasis on rules and regulation No importance is given to informal groups It involves a lot of paper work hence lot of wastage on time and money It mostly suitable for government organizations but not suitable for business organization Delay in decision making Major critics of the theory is that they emphasized so much on rules and regulation but never considered informal groups which are also important in organization success. Due to bureaucracy it is not effective in quick decision making , quick decision making are pat of the organization

Critics in Bureaucracy The employee do not develop belongingness to the organization Excessive reliance on rules and policies inhibit initiative and growth Employees become so used to the system that they refuse to be introduced to change and other new techniques.

Notable User of the Theory The most notable users of the theory is the US modern military. An army division is broken down into brigades The brigades are broken down into battalions which are further broken down into companies Companies are broken down into platoons. Most notable users of this theory are government organization because it more not apply in normal business organizations which requires flexibility particularly for decision making. A good example is the US modern military which follows a hierarchy of command.

Theory Teachings to Health Care Administrators Health care administrators can highly rely on bureaucratic theory to improve their operation in different ways. The duties for each clinical officer should be clearly defined Division of labour will assist workers in becoming experts in their jobs Health care will not suffer when one person leaves it but someone can replace them.

Theory Teachings to Health Care Administrators Cont… Each employee will focus on the area of expertise The administrator should ensure that taking tasks of colleagues is not allowed. In case of any medical error employees will take full responsibility. Promotion and selection process should be based on merit and experts. Employees are bound to follow rules hence management becomes easy

Theory Teachings to Health Care Administrators Cont… This will enable the health administrators ensure manage staffs more effectively and easily. They will optimize on their services by ensuring employees work in the areas they are best in. They will also optimize on their services by ensuring recruited employees are qualified

References Beetham, D. (2013). Max Weber and the theory of modern politics. John Wiley & Sons. Chad, S. (2016). Weber’s Bureaucracy: Definition, Features, Benefits, Disadvantages and Problems. Retrieved from http://www.yourarticlelibrary.com/management/ webers-bureaucracy-definition-features- benefits-disadvantages-and-problems/27893/ Jaffee, D. (2001). Organization theory: Tension and change. McGraw-Hill Humanities Social.