P2P Module: Ariba P2P REQUISITION AND APPROVAL Create a Catalog Requisition July 2016 – August 2016 P2P Module: Ariba P2P REQUISITION AND APPROVAL Note: This content is subject to change. Please click on the link below for latest version http://eportal.sccgov.org/sites/proc/training/Pages/Ariba-P2P.aspx
Catalog Item Flow Preparer Requester Cost Center BU Receiver Supplier Compose Req Line item info, purchasing group Check out Watch Approve Denied Approve Denied Receive goods / services Receive PO Ship goods / deliver services Module 2 - Create a Catalog Requisition
Create a Requisition Note: Non-catalog items and catalog items cannot be on the same requisition. Option 1: Click Create and select Requisition. Option 2: In the Common Actions portlet, click Create > Requisition. Module 2 - Create a Catalog Requisition
Browse and Search the Catalog Search for items by part number, supplier name, or specific search keyword Save, run and manage common searches. View favorite items. Search field is only to search for CIF catalog, not punch-out catalog Browse for items by category or supplier. Access recently viewed items or suppliers. Box icon indicates a punchout catalog. Module 2 - Create a Catalog Requisition
Additional Navigation Options in the Catalog View your cart or check out. Access the Procurement dashboard. Module 2 - Create a Catalog Requisition
Add Items – Internally Hosted Catalog (Optional) Narrow the results by entering additional search terms or using the filters. For each item you want, enter the appropriate quantity in the Qty field and click Add to Cart. Module 2 - Create a Catalog Requisition
Add Items – Punchout Catalog Click a link with the punchout site icon (box with an arrow). Click Buy from Supplier. Module 2 - Create a Catalog Requisition
Add Items – Punchout Catalog (continued) The punchout site will open with the supplier’s look and feel. To return to Ariba’s P2P site without buying anything, click Close Punchout Shopping Session. Search field is only to search for punch-out catalog, not CIF catalog Search for items and add them to your cart. Module 2 - Create a Catalog Requisition
Add Items – Punchout Catalog (continued) When you are ready to check out, access your shopping cart and click Check Out. Click Finish or Submit (terminology varies by supplier). Your item(s) will be sent to Ariba P2P site. Module 2 - Create a Catalog Requisition
Initiate Checkout To begin the checkout process, click the shopping cart. Click Proceed to Checkout. Module 2 - Create a Catalog Requisition
Complete the Summary Fields The req number appears at the top of the screen. Give the req a Title. Verify the Company Code. Change the Document Date only if the purchase is for the next fiscal year. Leave Purchasing Type as is. Leave the 3 Bids N Buy / Catalog Items Apply set to Yes. Select your Purchase Group. (Optional) Add a Comment. Click the checkbox if you want to share the comment with the supplier. Module 2 - Create Catalog Requisition
Add Line Item Details Update the Quantity if needed. The Approval Flow will not display until you have added the line item details. Click the checkbox to select a line item. If the accounting data is the same for all items, click the checkbox in the header to edit all items at once. Click Action Click Edit to edit an item Click Copy to add an identical line item to the requisition. Click Delete to delete an item. Click Update Total to view the new requisition total after you have made changes. Module 2 – Create a Catalog Requisition
Add Line Item Details (continued) Verify the Commodity Code (drives GL account). Verify the Tax Code. (Optional) Provide Receipt Instructions (recommended for departments with central receiving). Module 2 - Create a Catalog Requisition
Add Line Item Details (Continued) Select the Account Assignment. (Note: Accounting fields vary by assignment type. See next slide for details) Verify the Item Category. Select the Bill To account. Verify the GL Account. Select your Cost Center. Select your Plant (location). Complete the remaining fields as needed and click OK. Module 2 - Create a Catalog Requisition
Add Line Item Details (Continued) Accounting Assignment is the most critical field in accounting section. It determines if the PO will be charged to a regular cost center, fixed asset account, project/WBS, inventory or Internal Order. Please ensure you select the correct plant for your department. Module 2 - Create a Catalog Requisition
Submit the Requisition Click Show Approval Flow. All required approvals will appear. To view the person assigned to each role, click the name of the role. Click Submit. The requisition will go to the first approver in the flow. After that person approves the requisition, it will go to the next person in the flow. Note: The requisition may split to multiple POs if it contains items from more than one bill to, ship to, contract or supplier. Module 2 - Create a Catalog Requisition