MJAC Air Quality Update 28th September 2015 Founded 1928 PHE, Birmingham Chris.poole@worcsregservices.gov.uk T. 01562 738069
Air Quality Update Funding opportunities for 2015/16 Topic £500,000 Air Quality Grant Scheme (Defra) – bids in 22/10 £5m Clean Bus Technology Fund Scheme (DfT) – bids in 30/10 Topic Defra Consultation on Draft Plans to Improve Air Quality – closes 6/11
UK AQAP Background: EC has started formal infraction proceedings against UK for not achieving NO2 limit values. Plans will be submitted to EC by 31/12/2015. Also satisfies Supreme Court ruling. UK split into 43 zones. As of 2013 baseline 38 zones exceeding. A zone is classified as non-compliant if it has only one point in exceedance Defra have estimated that NO2 effects on mortality are 23,500 deaths annually in the UK (based on COMEAP)
UK AQAP 4 documents: Consultation on the draft plans doc – includes 6 questions to respond to by 6th November Draft UK overview document sets out the UK’s approach for meeting NO2 levels in shortest time – main doc on future actions Draft plans to improve AQ in each of the 38 (of 43) zones exceeding annual mean limit – West Midlands (UK0035) and West Midlands Urban Area (UK0002) Draft evidence annex – mainly focusses on details of Clean Air Zone’s included in model
UK AQAP Actions in overview document: 2 broad themes emerge Electrification of the UK vehicle fleet alongside other ULEV technologies – aspiration for 100% by 2050. National framework for implementation of new Clean Air Zones. CAZ’s to be locally led considered particularly relevant to those zones, including West Midlands Urban Zone that are not projected to comply by 2020. Full framework in Early 2016 but outline in s4.3.6 of overview
UK AQAP Projections: Used a streamlined version of Pollution Climate Mapping (PCM) Model to project future NO2 concentrations at five year intervals 2020, 2025 and 2030. Latest emissions factors provided by COPERT indicate that 35 out of 43 UK zones will be compliant by 2020 with only London not being compliant until 2030 without further additional action. Improvement from July 2014 when only 15 zones were projected to be compliant by 2020.
UK AQAP Local Picture West Midlands Urban Area (0002) West Midlands Urban Area (0002) West Midlands (0035) 2013 Max Baseline figure µg/m3 70 60 2020 projection µg/m3 47 39 2025 projection µg/m3 38 32 2013 baseline base (AURN sites data capture) Birmingham Acocks Green (99%) Birmingham Tyburn (91%) Birmingham Tyburn Roadside (94%) Walsall Woodlands (91%) Leamington Spa (53%) Leamington Spa Rugby Rd (98%) Leominster (81%) Baseline & source apportionment point 406670, 286600 Queensway Rd, Birmingham 413880, 290300 North of Castle Bromwich on A452, no relevant exposure
UK AQAP Optimistic? p19 and 20 of Overview document state ‘this (COPERT emissions) is based on limited data’ and ‘does not include any impact from forthcoming real world emissions testing for light duty diesel vehicles (cars and vans) ’ due in 2017. p65 of Draft Evidence Annex states: ‘that should Euro 6 emissions standards not perform as modelled, it could result in up to 22 additional zones being non compliant in 2020’ (30 out of 43)
UK AQAP Next steps Consultation ends 6th November 2015 Documents finalised and submitted to EC by 31st December 2015 A separate document with the complete list of UK and national measures undertaken since 2008 will be finalised after the consultation A technical report on the modelling and assessment techniques used is also being prepared
Air Quality Meeting of air quality technical group members chris.poole@worcsregservices.gov.uk Unofficial update meeting of your air quality technical group members on at least 1 occasion during the year Air quality conditions