2 August
Earth Overshoot Day Diversity
What’s your dream… house? car? vacation? meal?
What do these mean? global footprint biocapacity the biologically productive area needed to provide for everything people use: fruits and vegetables, fish, wood, fibers, absorption of carbon dioxide from fossil fuel use, and space for buildings and roads. the capacity of a given biologically productive area to generate an on-going supply of renewable resources and to absorb its spillover wastes.
Watch the video up to 2:00 and check your predictions What do global footprint and biocapacity have to do with ? Watch the video up to 2:00 and check your predictions
In the 1980s, the overshoot day fell in November In the 1980s, the overshoot day fell in November. What are the consequences of having earth overshoot days fall on earlier dates each year?
How big do you think your ecological footprint is? Why? Go to ecologicalfootprint.com and check it out. Earth Overshoot Day 2017 was August 2nd. However, each country has its own date based on its population’s footprint. Brazil’s Earth Overshoot Day was July 26th. How big do you think your ecological footprint is? Why?
What do you think of your results? In pairs, share and compare them. Which item(s) would be the hardest for you to change? Explain.
What is changing in your community in a What are some important changes we can make to help reduce the size of our footprints? What is changing in your community in a sustainable direction? Explain. Where did you learn about sustainability? Is sustainability a key part of the education provided in schools in your area? Should it be? Discuss.
How would you describe the people there? Think of your social circles (school/workplace/gym/English course/etc.). How would you describe the people there? Think gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, political leanings, professional and personal background.
Match: To disclose secret information to news media and agencies collectively, chiefly newspapers. To prompt a firestorm To take aim at To cause a sudden, and sometimes violent reaction. at large To criticize someone strongly. To take to Twitter To start an angry and intense discussion. To leak to the press To spark a heated debate In general To go to the networking service.
sparked a heated debate Google reportedly fired a software engineer after he wrote a document criticising the company’s diversity efforts. The 10-page “manifesto” was initially published internally, but was ____________________on Saturday after _____________________ within the company. The document __________ Google’s “diversity and inclusion” initiatives, such as programs to promote women and under-represented minorities, while attributing the tech industry’s gender imbalance to biological differences between men and women went viral. It also argues that the company is intolerant of conservative political views. The internal document _____________________ within Google and the tech industry _______, with many Google employees _____________ to express anger and dismay about its content. Complete: leaked to the press at large prompting a firestorm takes aim at take to Twitter prompt a firestorm spark a heated debate take aim at leak to the press sparked a heated debate at large taking to Twitter
Do groups with diverse members make better decisions? Discuss. Was firing the employee who wrote the document the right thing to do? Explain. What do you think of Google’s programs to promote women and under-represented minorities? “It is the responsibility of the employer to ensure a work environment which is bias-free and inclusive for all employees.” Discuss. Do groups with diverse members make better decisions? Discuss. Does your company/school/university promote diversity? How so?
Slide 4 – Encourage sts to provide details on each of the items. Slide 5 – Allow sts some time to speculate before checking answers. Slide 8 – This site has a very simple way of calculating one’s footprint. Sts can have sts use their own cell phones or the tablets in a mini table moment. Make sure sts scroll down to check their results. Slide 12 – Monitor the discussions closely. Slide 13 – Drill pronunciation of language chunks. Slide 14 – Draw sts’ attention to verb tense and form. Slide 15 – Monitor the discussions closely.
http://www. independent. co http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/earth-overshoot-day-2-august-2017-year-planet-natural-resources-clean-water-soil-air-pollution-wwf-a7872086.html https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/aug/08/google-fires-author-anti-diversity-memo