Recovery and Reinvestment Act Solutions Event March 5, 2009 Energy and Environmental Solutions
How the MAS Program Can Help Meet time frames for spending Supports firm-fixed price awards Specific reporting requirements can be included in scope Supports socio-economic goals Supports competitive procurements
Laws and Regulations that Influence Energy and Environmental Protection The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Executive Order 13423, “Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management” (January 24, 2007) The Energy Policy Act (EPAct) 2005 The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (originally named the CLEAN Energy Act of 2007) Agency Specific Regulations
Laws and Regulations (Continued) Clean Air Act Clean Water Act National Historic Preservation Act National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Regulations Other Energy and Environmental Conservation Laws and Regulations
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act $11.4 billion non-grant funds appropriated for Energy and Environmental projects Helps meet funding requirements and goals for projects outlined in other legislation Calls for the investment in energy efficiency of many Federal facilities Reduces the environmental impact
OMB Endorses Schedules as Competitive Procedures Relative to the Act To the maximum extent practicable, contracts using Recovery Act funds shall be awarded as fixed-price contracts (See FAR Subpart 16.2) using competitive procedures. These procedures include those identified under FAR Subparts 6.1, 6.2, and 16.505(b)(1) and Subsections 8.405-1 and 8.405-2. Existing fixed-price contracts that were competitively awarded may be used to obligate funds expeditiously. Source: OMB Memorandum M-09-10 dated February 18, 2009, Initial Implementing Guidance for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Page 39
Unique Reporting Requirements of the Act Pre-solicitation notices must be posted on FedBizOpps (FBO) in accordance with FAR Part 5, including applicable dollar thresholds. Under the Recovery Act, pre-solicitation notices are required for any order, meeting the FAR Part 5 dollar thresholds, under a task or delivery order contract, including GWACs, multi-agency contracts, GSA Federal Supply Schedule contracts. These notices will be posted in FBO for information purposes only (i.e., the requirements of FAR Subpart 5.203 do not apply). Contracting officers should continue to also use their usual solicitation practice (e.g., e-Buy). Source: OMB Memorandum M-09-10 dated February 18, 2009, Initial Implementing Guidance for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Page 41
Energy Reduction Goals for Federal Facilities* Fiscal Year % Reduction from 2003 Baseline 2009 9 2010 12 2011 18 2012 21 2013 24 2014 27 2015 30 *Under current legislation
Renewable Energy Goals* EPAct 05 directs agencies to obtain the following percentage of purchased electricity from renewable sources: 2009 3% 2010-2012 5% 2013 > 7.5% EO 13423 – encourages agencies to obtain half of the renewable energy from new sources and on-site where feasible EISA directed not less than 30% of hot water demand in new buildings shall be from solar, if cost effective *The new Administration is proposing that 10% of US electricity should come from renewable resources by 2012 and 25% by 2025.
Water Conservation Goals EO 13423 2% reduction per year through FY 2015 using a 2007 base line EISA Requires energy and water audits in all covered buildings
Key Areas Outlined in the Applicable Legislation Metering and Advanced Metering No later than 10/01/12 all Federal buildings with the exception of excluded buildings shall be metered for energy efficiency and electricity cost reduction Highly encouraged to use advanced metering devices that measure, at least, hourly and provide data daily Natural gas and steam metering no later than 10/01/16 Energy Managers Designated energy managers required by each agency and must be “trained energy managers”
Key Areas Outlined in the Applicable Legislation (continued) Comprehensive energy and water evaluations Required in 25% of covered facilities yearly (each facility evaluated every 4 years) Commissioning/Recommissioning/ Retrocommissioning Measures must be identified and assessed Implementation of energy and water conservation measures No later than 2 years after evaluation energy managers may implement cost effective projects and/or bundle individual measures into combined projects
Energy and Environmental Solutions 899 Environmental Services 03FAC Facilities Maintenance & Management 56 Buildings & Building Materials/Industrial Services & Supplies 84 Total Solutions For Law Enforcement, Security, Facilities Management, Fire, Rescue, Clothing, Marine Craft and Emergency/Disaster Response
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Environmental Cleanup Hazardous Waste Cleanup Leaking Underground Storage Tanks Evaluate and Cleanup Brownfields Surveys, Investigations and Research Climate Modeling Monitoring Systems Wastewater Treatment Systems Habitat Restoration Natural Resources Conservation Watershed Enhancement
Strengthening Federal Environmental, Energy, and Transportation Management (Executive Order 13423) Acquisition of Green Services Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001) Environmental Compliance and Sustainability Hazardous Waste Minimization Pollution Prevention Environmental Training Electronic Management and Recycling Programs Environmental Conformance Reviews and Audits
Comprehensive Energy Management Solutions Perform baseline analysis Perform assessment and development plan Project implementation Measurement and verification
Analysis and Planning Solutions Energy management planning and strategies Audit services Program support services Environmental impact analyses Natural resource planning
Energy Implementation & Measurement Solutions Energy and Facility Management Systems Energy Efficient Lighting HVAC Equipment and Chillers Air handlers Heat pumps Unit ventilators Rooftop units Building Commissioning Services Roofs - Energy Star, Photovoltaic and Vegetation
Metering and Advanced Metering Measurement of energy consumption Metering equipment with installation and removal Measurement and tracking of the cost effectiveness of energy technology investments
Renewable Energy Solutions Solar Energy Systems Solar Lighting Fuel Cells Wind Energy Power Distribution Systems Geothermal Hydropower
Water Conservation Solutions Water Audits Water System Analysis Water Purification/Filtration Solutions Water Conservation Support Products Watersheds and/or Wetlands Management Groundwater Monitoring Wastewater Treatment Systems
Energy Savings Performance Solutions (ESPCs) Contractor and Agency enter into agreement for the contractor to perform an Investment Grade Audit (IGE). Upon agreement of the price, scope of work, and M&V Plan, a delivery/task order shall be issued by the ordering agency. Upon acceptance of the work, the guarantee period shall begin. Administration Plan and Periodic M&V required
Added Features for Turnkey Solutions Installation/Integration Maintenance Training Consulting Ancillary Repair and Alterations
Energy Audits & Building Commissioning Services - North Dakota National Guard BPAs were set up with six energy management schedule contract holders – Schedule 03FAC BPAs have shortened lead time for National Guard Able to use for multiple bases without re-competing Looking to expand to other bases in FY 2009
Home to 10th Mountain Division ESPC – Ft. Drum U.S. Army - Ft Drum Home to 10th Mountain Division Guaranteed ESPC Installation Sq. Ft.: 11.8 million Contract Dates: 2003 - 2009 Contract Amount: $6.6 million Services Provided Geothermal heat pumps High efficiency HVAC upgrades New high efficiency lighting system Infrared heating system Pneumatic tool system isolated to reduce energy Direct Digital Controls (DDC) network ESPC Project using GSA Schedule 84
Valuable Savings – ACOE for DOE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for Department of Energy used Environmental Specialist to drill, install, and test more than 50 monitoring wells Schedule 899 allowed the Corps to procure services on a fixed-price basis, which allowed a reduced cost, saving the Government over $54M It, also, allowed a fast-track schedule meeting strict regulatory deadlines and specifications, reducing their program time frame from 15 years to only 4 years Schedule 899 was chosen by the USACE & DOE because it was readily available, easy to use, and provided overall best value
Green Sustainable Roof System – GSA GSA took a traditional roof system demolition and replacement in Chicago, IL and opted for a Green alternative. Schedule 56 allowed GSA to install a vegetated room system on approximately 18,000 square feet and a price competitive with traditional methods. The Vegetated Roof is Energy Star rated and approved as Cool Roof technology. The Vegetated Roof has leak detection technology built in, provides significant decrease in storm water run-off and is aesthetically pleasing for the building inhabitants and neighbors.
Water Conservation - EPA Headquarters U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Headquarters needed support in improving EPA’s water quality (nationwide) and used Schedule 899 to develop the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for quantitative assessment of pollution sources and allocations to reduce pollution levels “Without this schedule contractor’s expertise and assistance, the tasks the Region or Regional States accomplished in the TMDL and water quality modeling field would not have been completed and would not have been as technically defensible”
VA – Renewable Energy Conversion Project – Loma Linda, CA In order to comply with EO 13423, the VA identified the Loma Linda, CA facility as a candidate for a Photovoltaic (PV) renewable energy system which converts solar energy to electricity. Schedule 56 provided a solution to install one of the most highly efficient PV systems currently available at the Loma Linda facility. The installed system will save the VA facility approximately $60,000 per year in electricity costs and is considered a model for other VA facilities.
Energy Audits - VA National Energy Business Center Used Schedule 03FAC for $11 million in energy audits for facilities nationwide A few hundred sites left to audit Audits done quick – short procurement lead times Allows for implementation of energy conservation measures Improve overall energy efficiency of buildings Assisted in adhering to EO 13423
Points of Contact Schedule 03FAC Energy Management Services include the major categories of energy management program support: Energy Audits, Metering, Building Commissioning, etc. Schedule 56 for environmental products: solar window film, HVAC equipment, water purification, green roofs, etc. Schedule 84 offers integrated energy solutions and Energy Savings Performance Contracts (ESPCs). Schedule 899 assists agencies in complying with environmental initiatives and meeting goals Energy Management Services – 03FAC Jennifer Hazelman 816.926.7193 Energy Product Solutions - 56 Donna Peck 817.5742611 Energy Management Systems & ESPCs - 84 Kellie Stoker 817.574.2427 Environmental Services - 899 Carolyn DiCugno 253.931.7042
Helpful Web Addresses GSA Homepage - Information about the MAS Program - GSA Advantage!® - GSA eLibrary - e-Buy - Schedules Ordering Guide - Search for “Desk Reference Guide” Customer Service Director Contact Info - Additional Information on Services Schedules Ordering - Helpful Search Tool -
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