My family
؟؟؟؟ Student 2 Student 1
Listen To The Students Talking About Their Families Student 1:Nice picture ! Is that your father? Student 2:yes،he is. Student 1: How old Is he? Student 2:38 Student 1: What is his jab? Student 2: He s a mechanic. Student 1: And your mother? Student 2: She s 35.she s a housewife.
Talking about your family(age) Practice 1 Talking about your family(age) How old Is your father ? He s 38 How old Is your mother ?she s 34 How old Is your brother ? He s 14 How old Is your sister ?she s 8 How old Is your uncle ? He s 45 How old Is your aunt ? She s 30
Talking about your family(job) Practice 2 Talking about your family(job) What is your father s job ? He s a mechanic. What is your mother s job ? She s a housewife.
What is his uncle job ? He s a doctor. What is her aunt s job ? She s a nurse. What is his job ? He s a teacher . What is her job ? She s a dentist.
My Family Tree( My Ali) Hossein Is My Grandfather. Zahra Is My Grand Mother. Fatemeh Is My Mother. Mahdi Is My Father. Firoozeh Is My Aunt. Farhad Is My Uncle. Nassrin Is My Wife. Reza Is My Son. Zeinab Is My Daughter.
Job S کارمند Employee گارسون Waiter مکانیک Mechanic نانوا Baker کارگر آشپز آهنگر باربر بازرگان بازنشسته Employee Waiter Mechanic Baker Worker Cook Blacksmith Porter Merchant Retired
Gardener Banker Grocer Builder Nurse Professor Postman Police Operator Surgeon Optician Bookkeeper باغبان بانکدار بقال بنا پرستار پروفسور پستچی پلیس تلفنچی جراح چشم پزشک کتاب دار
حساب دار خبرنگار خدمتکار زن خلبان خواننده خیاط دکتر دیپلمات رئیس مدرسه زن رئیس مدرسه مرد راننده راننده تاکسی Accountant Reporter Maid Pilot Singer Tailor Doctor Diplomat Head mistress Head master Driver Taxi driver
Journalist Watch maker Caretaker Soldier Secretary Barber Electrician Milk man Book binder Photographer Judge butcher روزنامه نگار ساعت ساز سرایدار سرباز منشی سلمانی سیم کش شیرفروش صحاف عکاس قاضی قصاب
Detective Clerk Farmer Shoemaker Plumber Sculptor Fireman Teacher Engineer Publisher painter کارآگاه کارمند کشاورز کفاش لوله کش مجسه ساز مرد آتش نشانی معلم مهندس ناشر نقاش
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