Mobile and Social Computing CFU: 6 24 hours (Lecture) 36 hours (Lab and practice)
Useful information Lecturer: Tutor: Gianluigi Folino Phone : 0984/831731 e-mail: Tutor: Andrea Vinci
Timetable Monday 17:00-19:00, Lab 31A . Friday 10:30 -13:30, Lab 31A. Office Hours Tuesday 14:30 - 16:30 41/c (DIMES) II floor Or please send me an email for an appointment
Course Objectives Ability to design a context-aware mobile application and to implement it on Android platforms. The application should also interoperate with social networks. The students will also gain knowledge of iOS and learn to use the most advanced tool for programming mobile application on iOS and Android.
Textbooks and Further References Homepage of the course Massimo Carli, Android 6: Guida per lo sviluppatore, Apogeo (in italian).
Program (1) Introduction to Pervasive Computing Context and Context-Aware Computing Location based systems Tags QR Code RFID tags NFC tags Introduction to mobile devices Introduction to Android operating system A brief story of Android Android fragmentation Android architecture Dalvik Virtual Machine Market and Android distributions
Program (2) Introduction to GUI for Android View Layout Adapter Main widgets: EditText, TextView and Button Handling Data Android components Activity and lifecycle of an activity Intents and interprocess communication Services Content providers Broadcast receivers
Program (3) Android: location based services Location manager Location provider Maps Android: Sensors and Hardware Accelerometer and other sensors Bluetooth Wifi Handling NFC tags Introduction to social networks and android iOS: Architecture and Introduction to iOS platform Introduction to applications and programming using iOS
Tools and Installation 1) Download and install JDK, last version 2) Download and install Android Studio from here: 3) Post installation: Run Android Studio and update Android SDK. More info on the next practice.
Methods and Criteria for Learning Assessment Presentation and discussion of a project of a context-aware mobile application. The project must be send by email, at least a week before the date of the exam. Oral examination.
Pervasive Computing (suggested reading) Course on Pervasive Computing Context Aware Computing Location based systems Tags
Android programming Please refer to the slides downloadable from the website of the course “Programming with Android” by Luca Bedogni and Marco di Felice: