The Antislavery Movement Chapter 9 Section 2 The Antislavery Movement
Abolitionist Movement The movement to end slavery
Emancipation Freeing of enslaved people
Underground Railroad A network of escape routes that provided protection and transportation for slaved fleeing north to freedom. The term railroad referred to paths that African Americans traveled, either on foot or in wagons Underground means it was secret
Gag Rule This law prohibited antislavery petitions from being read or acted upon in the house of Representatives for the next 8 years.
What tactics did the abolitionist movement use to achieve the emancipation of slaves? Protest Political action Publishing Forming groups and societies Developing a colonization program (Liberia) The Underground Railroad
Four abolitionist leaders and their contributions to the anti-slavery movement
William Lloyd Garrison Published a newspaper The Liberator Denounced moderation He insisted on aggressively denouncing the institution of slavery Founded American Antislavery Society
Frederick Douglas Great speaker and writer Started a newspaper The North Star Opposed violence
Grimke Sisters Involved women by speaking and writing pamphlets
Harriet Tubman She herself was an escaped slave Led many other slaves to freedom Led more than 300 slaves to freedom Earned the nickname “black Moses”
Why did divisions emerge within the abolitionist movement? Leaders disagreed over whether or not to employ illegal tactics Like helping slaves escape Many male members disagreed over whether or or not to allow women to play prominent roles within the movement
What groups resisted the efforts of abolitionists Northern merchants Feared souring relations with the South White workers and labor leaders Feared job competition Most southerners Public officials in the south Southern mailmen refused to deliver abolitionist literature
What types of resistance did they carry out? Held violent demonstrations Murdered some abolitionist newspaper editors Like Elijah P. Lovejoy Passed the gag rule
Describe how geography affected the course of the Underground Railroad Led to safety in Canada Mississippi River provided a natural escape route north Swamps of the Atlantic Coast allowed slaves to hide Appalachian Mountains provided shelter
Describe how geography presented challenges to travelers along the routes Mississippi River was dangerous because slave hunters stalked the riverboat towns Swamps had dangers like poisonous snakes Mountains presented barriers