Daily Oral Language Week # 16
Directions Using your best handwriting, please write the two sentences on the next slide into your Language spiral notebook. Watch out! There are errors in the sentences that need to be corrected. Write each sentence correctly into your notebook. Keep this spiral to study for the test over these sentences that will be on Friday.
Day 1 Wasn’t slavry legal in some states and illegal in others before the Civil War?” asked tom. Many slaves want to reach the north they thought they might find safety their.
Corrected Sentences Day 1 “Wasn’t slavery legal in some states and illegal in others before the Civil War?” asked Tom. Many slaves wanted to reach the North. They thought they might find safety there.
Day 2 Yesterday Rita ask, “was the Underground railroad a real train with tracks?” “No it were an network of escape routes to help runaway slaves,” said mr. Nolan
Corrected Sentences Day 2 Yesterday Rita asked, “Was the Underground Railroad a real train with tracks?” “No, it was a network of escape routes to help runaway slaves,” said Mr. Nolan.
Day 3 To of the most famousest conductors were Harriet tubman and James Fairfield. “Them two,” said Rico were known for their bravrey.”
Corrected Sentences Day 3 Two of the most famous conductors were Harriet Tubman and James Fairfield. “Those two,” said Rico, “were known for their bravery.”
Day 4 In those days conductors use trickary rather than force, said jean. people would hide slaves in secret rooms or they might disguise they.
Corrected Sentences Day 4 “In those days conductors used trickery rather than force,” said Jean. People would hide slaves in secret rooms, or they might disguise them.
Practice Weekly Test Directions: Write each sentence correctly on a piece of notebook paper. Then check each sentence carefully before test day.