The Future of EURISOL Results from the Design Study


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Presentation transcript:

The Future of EURISOL Results from the Design Study Initiatives for the Future We acknowledge the financial support of the European Community under the FP6 “Research Infrastructure Action - Structuring the European Research Area” EURISOL DS Project Contract no. 515768 RIDS . The EC is not liable for any use that can be made of the information contained herein.

The Current European Situation The Previous LRP NuPECC recommends the construction of 2 ‘next generation’ RIB infrastructures in Europe, i.e. one ISOL and one in-flight facility. The in-flight machine would arise from a major upgrade of the current GSI facility: FAIR, while EURISOL would constitute the new ISOL facility The Current European Situation Construction of intermediate generation facilities: SPIRAL2, HIE-ISOLDE, SPES and of FAIR has begun or is about to begin. Design and prototyping of the most specific and challenging parts of EURISOL has been carried out in the framework of EURISOL_DS. EURISOL must go beyond FAIR and offer the best of both worlds : ISOL and Fragmentation

Paul Scherrer Institute EURISOL DS: 20 Participants 4 1/2 years; 30 M Euros TABLE 1). Participants in EURISOL Design Study Participant Country   GANIL (coordinator) France Inst. Physics Vilnius Lithuania CNRS/IN2P3 Warsaw University Poland INFN Italy Inst. Phys. Bratislava Slovakia CERN Europe U. Liverpool United Kingdom U. C. Louvain Belgium GSI Darmstadt Germany CEA U. Santiago Spain NIPNE Romania CCLRC Daresbury U. Jyväskylä Finland Paul Scherrer Institute Switzerland L.M.U. München Inst. Phys. Latvia Latvia FZ Jülich Stockholm. U. MSL Sweden

A possible schematic layout 1 GeV/q H-, H+, 3He++ n-generator UCx target HWRs 176MHz 3-spoke ISCL 325 MHz Elliptical ISCL 704 MHz Elliptical ISCL 704 MHz RFQ 176 MHz 4-MW target station 100 keV b = 0.09, b = 0.15 b = 0.03 b = 0.047 b = 0.65 b = 0.78 1+ ion source 1.5 MeV/u 60 MeV/q 140 MeV/q H+, D+, 3He++ >200 MeV/q D+, A/q=2 Ion sources A possible schematic layout for a EURISOL facility One of several 100-kW direct target stations Low-resolution mass-selector Secondary fragmentation target Spoke ISCL 264 MHz 8 HWRs ISCL 176 MHz 3 QWRs ISCL 88 MHz QWR ISCL 88 MHz Bunching RFQ Charge selector RFQs High-resolution mass-selector Charge breeder b = 0.385 b = 0.27 b = 0.14 b = 0.065 20-150 MeV/u (for 132Sn) 9.3- 62.5 MeV/u 2.1-19.9 MeV/u To high-energy experimental areas To low-energy areas To medium-energy experimental areas

What is EURISOL?

The Eurisol Layout

New baseline scheme with extended capabilities 2 injection lines for H,D, He and A/q=2 ions SARAF scheme up to 60 MeV/q IPNO scheme from 60 to 140 MeV/q CEA scheme from 140 to 1000 MeV/u cw beam splitting at 1 GeV (1 line 4 MW + 3 lines 100 kW) Total length of the linac: ~240 m 4 MW H- B stripper RFQ 176 MHz Elliptical 704 MHz HWR 176 MHz 3-SPOKE 352 MHz 1 GeV/q H-,D- =0.09 =0.15 =0.03 =0.47 =0.65 =0.78 100 kW H+, 3He2+ H+,D+, 3He++ 1.5 MeV/u 60 MeV/q foil stripper 140 MeV/q >200 MeV/q D, A/q=2 10 36 31 63 97 EURISOL task 7 : Alberto Facco LNL-Legnaro

Liquid Hg converter concepts LOOP Curtain

Target Layout

EURISOL Target Building

Beam Preparation

Design of the post-accelerator SPIRAL-2 philosophy : Smoothest beam dynamics (regular FDO lattice, low number of -sections), Modular solution and simple cryostats, Separated vacuum (safety with FP), Warm focusing (easier for alignement), Possibility to insert diagnostics at each period, ease of tuning Main technical requirements: Only 2-gap cavities (high q/A acceptance) Max. accelerating fields 7.8 MV/m Nominal operation for A/Q between 4 and 8 EURISOL Task 6 : Marie-Hélène Moscatello - GANIL

Beam Intensities

Secondary Fragmentation of a 132Sn beam Cross Sections measured at GSI

Secondary Fragmentation of 132Sn at 150A MeV


Timescale for EURISOL 2010-2012 : Transition period; contacts with funding agencies and political bodies 2012 : Application to be included in ESFRI list (support from NuPECC & LRP necessary) 2013 : Call for preparatory phase 2014-2017 : EURISOL Preparatory Phase 2017-2019 : Preparation of TDR 2020-2025 : Construction 2025 : First Beam

The “Transition” Period (2010-2013) The EURISOL project office: Y.B., Peter Butler, Alberto Facco, Marek Lewitowicz The EURISOL collaboration: (MOU between all laboratories interested in furthering EURISOL; in preparation) The EURISOL User Group (Established with elected executive committee; will federate scientific community and update physics case; A. Bonaccorso, chair ) The EURISOL Network in ENSAR (included in ENSAR application; will coordinate EURISOL focused R&D at current facilities and fund Town Meetings; 150 KE; leader Y. Blumenfeld) The EURISOL work package in TIARA : (included in TIARA application; Define and Prepare R&D platforms for EURISOL; up to 500 KE; leader S. Bousson – Orsay) Requests to NuPNET for pan-European funded R&D through national funding agencies (approx 1ME each – at most 1 to be funded) Liquid metal target tests Beam splitter ECRIS beam merger EC support for global projects: Possibility of EC support up to 1 ME to expand EURISOL into a global (worldwide) project; suggestion from Brussels still to be investigated.